This course will be a four-week series of training webinars, with supporting on-the-job training and associated homework. The course is for new Metrologists to ensure that good measurement and laboratory practices are being followed in the measurement areas of legal metrology, that consistent on-the-job training and seminar preparation is offered, and will enable new staff to successfully complete the Laboratory Auditing Program (LAP) problems. This temporary/interim course is geared toward giving new staff the fundamentals and knowledge base needed to operate with confidence only for Mass Echelon III (SOP 8) and Volume Echelon II (SOP 19). NOTE: New State metrologists will still be required to complete the formal suite of seminar courses (i.e., Fundamentals, Mass, and Volume), as required by the Program Handbook 143, Table 2, after the completion of this course to ensure appropriate hands-on training and demonstration of competency for all procedures and additional topics that are covered in the core seminars.
This class covers the following procedures from NISTIR 6969 and NISTIR 7383.
This class is designed for State weights and measures program metrologists only; however, space may be available for industry or other government agencies. Requests must be received in the OWM Contacts System.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Several notebooks and course materials will be provided via individual BOX/Google Drive Accounts that will be established for each student. The accounts will also be used to upload objective evidence of on-the-job training and course assignments.
Required prerequisites include having a demonstrated knowledge of basic mathematics (pre-test) and completion of a number of reading assignments. Additional helpful pre-work will be provided by the instructor prior to the seminar to minimize course homework time. Participants must be proficient in spreadsheet functions and operations and formatting in word processing software.
Mentor Pre-work and Training (Mandatory). *See additional document for requirements.
Course Syllabus/Detailed Learning Objectives
In addition to completing and submitting the Math Exercises, please read:
Document the following OJT using the form provided by OWM for the following items and submit OJT evidence to OWM before the first webinar session.
The pre-work (math-exercise) will be sent to confirmed participants and must be completed and submitted to Isabel Chavez by December 1, 2020. You may send the OJT evidence (files) as Word, PDF and/or associated Excel files for review.
Fundamentals of Metrology, Laboratory Auditing Program (LAP) Problems – required for State Weights and Measures Laboratories (not applicable for other participants.)
One year.
Successful completion requires that participants fully participate in all webinar and laboratory on-the-job exercises, turn in or present accurate work assignments, and be present for the entire course. Two Final Calibration Certificates will be turned in as final project. See the additional assignments with the Course Syllabus noted earlier. A passing grade on all portions is required to obtain a "certificate of attendance." Successful completion ONLY qualifies the participant to complete the LAP Problems and potentially gain a temporary waiver as a conditional approved signatory for the laboratory calibrations for Mass Echelon III and Volume Transfer Echelon II. Completion of the in-person Fundamentals of Metrology seminar with all laboratory activities is required to participate in the Mass, Volume and Length seminars, though those may have additional prerequisites. Successful completion will provide significant advantages to those who later attend the full Fundamentals of Metrology seminar.
*Homework and Mentoring note: There are additional mentor requirements to participate in this course.
Note for Laboratory Management: Significant self-study time will be required for reading, laboratory assessments, and completion of homework for this course. While there are 8 hours of webinar each week during the course, it is expected that students will need significant, focused, work time to successfully complete the additional assignments.
State Weights and Measures Metrologists (primary audience). Course will be opened to Industry and other Federal agencies pending available space.
The current fee for this seminar is $1,995 and confirmed participants will be sent payment instructions. Payment is due by COB December 22, 2020. Registration fees for State weights and measures regulatory officials and metrologists are funded by NIST OWM.
Mark Ruefenacht, Jose Torres, Isabel Chavez
Phone: (301) 975-2128
Email: isabel.chavez [at] (isabel[dot]chavez[at]nist[dot]gov)
Registered participants will need to have and be familiar with the use of a 10-digit scientific calculator. Additionally, use of a laptop or tablet PC is required to succeed in the seminar. Participants must have access to Microsoft Word and Excel (version 2010 or newer are acceptable) and be able to open and use template Excel workbooks that will be provided on the Box or Google Drive accounts. Participants must be able to download and upload files to facilitate review, turning in on-the-job and mentoring records, and turning in homework assignments.
Webinar: The webinar will be a live stream, so participants must have a constant connection during the webinar (hard-wired is preferred).
1. Operating System (browser) configurations:
2. Mobile
3. Media players
to download the Flash Player.
4. Optional: If you have never attended an Adobe Connect meeting before:
* Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat and Adobe Connect are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
NIST Office of Weights and Measures