Sören Preibusch is a post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge and has been involved with privacy research for more than nine years. His research focuses on technical and economic aspects of privacy negotiations, including electronic market interactions, online social networking, and the mobile web. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and a diploma in industrial engineering from Technical University Berlin (2008).
Quantifying Users' Privacy Needs
Privacy has become a mainstream topic as personal data powers many of the high-value services we enjoy online. From this follows a research imperative: Researchers and businesses need to understand the value of privacy, to offer meaningful choice and control. Policy-makers and regulators require reliable and valid insights into consumers' privacy concerns and behaviors to advance data protection and informational self-determination in the digital economy.
I will report on a series of large-scale experiments into users' privacy behaviors in major Web activities: shopping and search. I will highlight how Web users decide for or against disclosing personal details and shed light on how privacy behaviors change over time and differ across countries. Besides reporting on the material results of my studies, I will emphasize the methods used to measure consumers' privacy preferences.
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