The NIST Open Machine Translation 2012 Evaluation (OpenMT12) was implemented according to the OpenMT12 evaluation plan. It took place in the spring of 2012, followed by a summer of 2012 workshop.
- Evaluation on prior years' Arabic-to-English and Chinese-to-English Progress test data, with the data to be made available to participants after OpenMT12
- Evaluation on a parallel data set based on prior years' Progress tests for Arabic, Chinese, Dari, Farsi, and Korean to English, in two source data styles
- Evaluation on new domain data for Chinese-to-English.
- Support for both a single system and a system combination track (provided sufficient interest by the participants)
- Evaluation by automatic metrics and coordination of volunteer human assessments using a new tool to rank alternative translations
- (See Table 1 of eval plan): Training data off-limits periods
- October 28 2011: Evaluation plan available
- October 28 2011 – February 3 2012: Registration period (early registration highly encouraged)
- November 4 2011: Training data available from LDC
- January 16 – February 24 2012: Dry run period (early submission highly encouraged); output due at NIST February 24 11.59am EST
- April 2 – 6 2012: Main evaluation period; output due at NIST April 6 11.59am EDT
- April 16 – 20 2012: System combination evaluation period; output due at NIST April 20 11.59am EDT
- April 20 2012: Preliminary release of main evaluation results to participants
- April 27 2012: System descriptions due
- April 30 – June 1 2012: Human assessment period
- June 27 – 28 2012: Workshop in the Washington DC area
- August 31 2012: Official public release of results
Software and Resources
mt_poc [at] (mt_poc[at]nist[dot]gov)