March 14, 2013
Gaithersburg, MD
The purpose of the Additive Manufacturing Technical Workshop was to review the state-of-the-art in additive manufacturing and to discuss PDES, Inc. member's priorities and issues related to additive manufacturing. Presentations focused on the importance of additive manufacturing to the manufacturing industry, reviewing NIST's technical focus on additive material standards and a test artifact. The ASTM Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) was discussed as well as the economic impact of additive manufacturing in the US.
Download the Workshop Report
The workshop was held as part of the Production Information for Composites and Additive Manufacturing (PICAM) Project in the Engineering Laboratory's System Integration for Manufacturing and Construction Applications (SIMCA) Program.
Chris Brown, christopher.brown [at] (christopher[dot]brown[at]nist[dot]gov), (301)-975-5852