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Calorimetry of Cement-Based Materials


Collected by ASTM C1.26: Subcommittee on Heat of Hydration

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Also appeared in December 1996 issue of Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates


Isothermal Conduction Calorimetry

In this technique, the heat of hydration of cement is directly measured by monitoring the heat flow from the specimen when both the specimen and the surrounding environment are maintained at approximately isothermal conditions. Thermopiles are often used to convert the thermal flux into a voltage which can be continuously monitored. Thus, the cells are often calibrated electrically. Sensitivity limitations usually limit this measurement to about 7 days duration, as beyond this point, the signal becomes virtually indistinguishable from its background level. One difficulty lies in capturing the heat released during the initial mixing (wetting) of the cement and water. Calorimeters have been designed with internal mixing units to attempt to capture the complete heat signature curve.


Tian, M., Utilisation de la Methode Calorimetrique en Dynamique Chimique: Emploi d'un Micro-Calorimetre a Compensation, Bulletin Societe Chimique de France, Vol. 33, 427-428, 1923.



Carlson, R.W., The Vane Calorimeter, Proceedings- American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 34 Part II, 322-328, 1934.

Carlson, R.W., The Significance of Early Heat Liberation of Cement Paste, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting-Highway Research Board, Vol. 17, 360-367, 1937.

Carlson, R.W., and Forbrich, L.R., Correlation of Methods for Measuring Heat of Hydration of Cement, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, Vol. 10 (7), 382-386, 1938.



Forbrich, L.R., The Effect of Various Reagents on the Heat Liberation Characteristics of Portland Cement, Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 37, 161-184, 1940.

Lerch, W., The Influence of Gypsum on the Hydration and Properties of Portland Cement Pastes, Proceedings- American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 46, 1251-1297, 1946.

Lerch, W., and Ford, C.L., Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete: Chapter 3. Chemical and Physical Tests of the Cements, Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 19 (8), 745-795, 1948.

Verbeck, G.J., and Foster, C.W., Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete with Special Reference to Heats of Hydration, PCA Bulletin 32, 1949.



Verbeck, G.J., and Foster, C.W., Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete: Chapter 6- The Heats of Hydration of the Cements, Proceedings- American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 50, 1235-1262, 1950.



Copeland, L.E., Kantro, D.L., and Verbeck, G., Chemistry of Hydration of Portland Cement, Paper IV-3., Proceedings of the 4th Int'l. Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Washington, D.C., Vol. 1, 429-468, 1960.

Stein, H.N., Influence of Some Additives on the Hydration Reactions of Portland Cement I. Non-Ionic Organic Additives, Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 11, 474-482, 1961.

Stein, H.N., Influence of Some Additives on the Hydration Reactions of Portland Cement II. Electrolytes, Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 11, 482-492, 1961.

Danielson, U., Heat of Hydration of Cement as Affected by Water-Cement Ratio, Paper IV-S7, Proc. 4th Int'l Symp. on the Chemistry of Cement, Washington, 519-526, 1962.

Stein, H.N., Some Characteristics of the Hydration of 3CaO.Al2O3 in the Presence of CaSO4.2H2O, Silicates Industriel, 141-145, Sept.-Oct. 1962.

McCoy, W.J., Significance of Tests for Heat of Hydration of Cement, Proceedings of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 63, 861- 865, 1963.

Stein, H.N., Mechanism of the Hydration of 3CaO.Al2O3, Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 13, 228-232, 1963.

Seligmann, P., and Greening, N.R., Studies of Early Hydration Reactions of Portland Cement by X-Ray Diffraction, Highway Research Record, No. 62, 80-105, 1964.

Stein, H.N., The Reaction of 3CaO.Al2O3 with Water in the Presence of CaSO4,2H2O, Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 15, 314-325, 1965.

Verbeck, G., Cement Hydration Reactions at Early Ages, Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories, Vol. 7 (3), 57-63, Sept. 1965.

Edwards, G.C., and Angstadt, R.L., The Effect of Some Soluble Inorganic Admixtures on the Early Hydration of Portland Cement, Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 16, 166-168, 1966.

Monfore, G.E., and Ost, B., An "Isothermal" Conduction Calorimeter for Study of the Early Hydration Reactions of Portland Cements, Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories, Vol. 8 (2), 13-20, May 1966.

Klieger, P., and Isberner, A.W., Laboratory Studies of Blended Cements- Portland Blast-Furnace Slag Cements, Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories, Vol. 9 (3), 2-22, 1967.

Copeland, L.E., and Kantro, D.L., Hydration of Portland Cement , Proceedings of the 5th Int'l. Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Tokyo, Vol. 2, 386-421, 1969.

Kondo, R., and Ueda, S., Kinetics of Hydration of Cements, Proceedings of the 5th Int'l. Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Tokyo, Vol. 2, 203-248, 1969.



Forrester, J.A., A Conduction Calorimeter for the Study of Cement Hydration, Cement Technology, Vol. 1, 95-99, 1970.

Previte, R.W., Some Insights on the Mechanism of Saccharide Set Retardation of Portland Cement, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 1, 301-316, 1971.

Smith, M.A., and Matthews, J.D., Conduction Calorimetric Studies of the Effect of Sulphate on the Hydration Reactions of Portland Cement, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 4, 45-55, 1974.

Kantro, D.L., Tricalcium Silicate Hydration in the Presence of Various Salts, ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 312-321, 1975.

Adams, L.D., The Measurement of Very Early Hydration Reactions of Portland Cement Clinker by a Thermoelectric Conduction Calorimeter, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 6, 293-308, 1976.

Kondo, R., Daimon, M., Sakai, E., and Ushiyama, H., Influence of Inorganic Salts on the Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate, Journal of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Vol. 27, 191-197, 1977.

Jawed, I., Klemm, W.A., and Skalny, J.P., Hydration of Cement- Lignosulfonate- Alkali Carbonate System, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 62, 461-464, 1979.



Fukuhara, M., Goto, S., Asaga, K., Daimon, M., and Kondo, R., Mechanisms and Kinetics of C4AF Hydration with Gypsum, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 11, 407-414, 1981.

Milestone, N.B., and Rogers, D.E., The Use of an Isothermal Calorimeter for Determining Heats of Hydration at Early Ages, World Cement Technology, Vol. 12 (8), 374-380, 1981.

Kamuske, M., and Zielenkieuiy, W., The Heat of Hydration of Cement Constituents, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 12, 549-558, 1982.

Lessard, S., Aitcin, P.C., and Regourd, M., Development of a Low Heat of Hydration Blended Cement, Proceedings of the Canmet/ACI 1st International Conference on the Use of Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Other Mineral By-Products in Concrete, ACI SP-78, 747-762, 1983.

Halse, Y., Goult, D.J., and Pratt, P.L., Calorimetry and Microscopy of Flyash and Silica Fume Cement Blends, British Ceramic Proceedings, Vol. 35, 403-417, 1984.

Wilding, C.R., Walter, A., and Double, D.D., A Classification of Inorganic and Organic Admixtures By Conduction Calorimetry, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 14, 185-194, 1984.

Arliguie, G., and Grandet, J., Etude par Calorimetrie de L'Hydratation du Ciment Portland en Presence de Zinc, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 15, 825-832, 1985.

Dollimore, D., and Mangabhai, R.J., Effect of Mixing Time on Heat Evolution Pattern of Cement Pastes, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 85, 223-226, 1985.

Prosen, E.J., Brown, P.W., Frohnsdorff, G., and Davis, F., A Multichambered Microcalorimeter for the Investigation of Cement Hydration, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 15, 703-710, 1985.

Vernet, C., Flux Thermique et Cinetique D'hydratation- Tentative D'approche Thermodynamique et Analytique du Comportement Interactfic des Ciments, Proc. 8th Int'l. Congress on the Chemistry of Cements, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vol. III, 64-69, 1986.

Bensted, J., Some Applications of Conduction Calorimetry to Cement Hydration, Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 1 (1), 35-44, 1987.

Egan, P.J., A Comparison Between Semi-Isothermal and Semi-Adiabatic Calorimetry of Retarded Cement Mixes, Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 1 (2), 112-118, 1988.

Killoh, D.C., A Comparison of Conduction Calorimeter and Heat of Solution Methods for Measurement of the Heat of Hydration of Cement, Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 1, 180-186, 1988.



Bensted, J., and Aukett, P.N., Applications of Higher Temperature Conduction Calorimetry to Oilwell Cementing, World Cement, Vol. 21, 308-320, 1990.

Damidot, D., Nonat, A., and Barret, P., Kinetics of Tricalcium Silicate Hydration in Diluted Suspensions by Microcalorimetric Measurements, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 73 (11), 3319-3322, 1990.

Parrott, L.J., Geiker, M., Gutteridge, W.A., and Killoh, D., Monitoring Portland Cement Hydration: Comparison of Methods, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 20, 919-926, 1990.

Livesey, P., Donnelly, A., and Tomlinson, C., Measurement of the Heat of Hydration of Cement, International Conference on Blended Cements, Sheffield, England, Sept. 9-12, 1991.

Auckett, P.N., and Bensted, J., Application of Heat Flow Calorimetry to the Study of Oilwell Cements, Journal of Thermal Analysis, Vol. 38, 701-707, 1992.

Bensted, J., Audley, G.J., and Aukett, P.N., Applications of Higher Temperature Conduction Calorimetry to High Alumina Cement Hydration, Proc. 9th Int'l. Cong. on the Chemistry of Cement, New Dehli, India, Vol. IV, 220-226, 1992.

Damidot, D., and Nonat, A., A Method for Determining the Advancement of the Hydration of C3S in Diluted Suspensions by Means of Simultaneous Conductimetric and Calorimetric Measurements, Proc. 9th Int'l. Cong. on the Chemistry of Cement, New Dehli, India, Vol. IV, 227-233, 1992.

Gawlicki, M., and Czamarska, D., Effect of ZnO on the Hydration of Portland Cement, Journal of Thermal Analysis, Vol. 38, 2157-2161, 1992.

Malek, R.I.A., Methods of Performing Adiabatic and Isothermal Calorimetry, Proc. 9th Int'l. Cong. on the Chemistry of Cement, New Dehli, India, Vol. VI, 210-215, 1992.

Muzhen, S., Yimin, C., Liping, S., Jun'an, D., and Xiaoxin, L., The Application of Thermal Analysis and Conduction Calorimetry on the Formation and Hydration of Calcium Aluminoferrite, Journal of Thermal Analysis, Vol. 38, 2147-2155, 1992.

Sorrentino, F., and Castanet, R., Application of Thermal Analysis to the Cement Industry, Journal of Thermal Analysis, Vol. 38, 2137- 2146, 1992.

van Breugel, K., Numerical Simulation of Hydration and Microstructural Development in Hardening Cement-Based Materials, HERON, Vol. 37 (3), 1-62, 1992.

Vernet, C., Hydration Kinetics and Mechanical Evolution of Concrete During the First Days. Study of the Hardening Mechanism, Proc. 9th Int'l. Cong. on the Chemistry of Cement, New Dehli, India, Vol. IV, 511-517, 1992.

Vernet, C., and Noworyta, G., Conductometric Test for Cement-Admixture Systems, Proc. 9th Int'l. Cong. on the Chemistry of Cement, New Dehli, India, Vol. IV, 627-633, 1992.

Bronswijk, J.P., de Loo, M., and van Loo, W., Heat Measurement with the Thermal Activity Monitor, World Cement, 23-26, August 1993.

Hills, C.D., Sollars, C.J., and Perry, R., Ordinary Portland Cement Based Solidification of Toxic Wastes: The Role of OPC Reviewed, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 23, 196-212, 1993.

Huanhai, Z., Xuequan, W., Zhongzi, X., and Mingshu, T., Kinetic Study on Hydration of Alkali-Activated Slag, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 23, 1253-1258, 1993.

Puertas, F., Blanco Varela, M.T., and Dominguez, R., Hydration of 4CaO.Al2O3.Mn2O3 in the Absence and the Presence of Gypsum. A Comparative Study with the Hydration of 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 23, 20-32, 1993.

Comotti, A., Castaldi, G., Gilioli, C., Torri, G., and Sozzani, P., Step-by-step Observation of the Hydration of C3S by Magic-Angle Spinning 29Si Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: The Masking Effect of D2O, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 29, 6427-6433, 1994.

Ma, W., Sample, D., Martin, R., and Brown, P.W., Calorimetric Study of Cement Blends Containing Fly Ash, Silica Fume, and Slag at Elevated Temperatures, Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates, 93-99, Winter 1994.

Bensted, J., Audley, G.J., and Aukett, P.N., Studies of Early Hydration With Class G Oilwell Cement Using Heatflow Conduction Calorimetry, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 25 (2), 426-432, 1995.

Bentz, D.P., A Three-Dimensional Cement Hydration and Microstructure Program. I. Hydration Rate, Heat of Hydration, and Chemical Shrinkage, NISTIR 5756, U.S. Department of Commerce, Nov. 1995.

DeSchutter, G., and Taerwe, L., General Hydration Model for Portland Cement and Blast Furnace Slag Cement, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 25 (3), 593-604, 1995.

Shi, C., and Day, R.L., A Calorimetric Study of Early Hydration of Alkali-Slag Cements, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 25 (6), 1333-1346, 1995.

Tanaka, S., Inoue, K., Shimoyama, Y., and Tomite, R., Methods of Estimating Heat of Hydration and Temperature Rise in Blast Furnace Slag Blended Cement, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 92 (4), 429-436, 1995.


Adiabatic or Semi-Adiabatic Calorimetry

In this method, the specimen chamber is usually well-insulated in an attempt to attain adiabatic (no heat flow) conditions. The temperature rise of the specimen indicates the heat being produced during the hydration. To determine heat fluxes, the heat capacities of the specimen and system components must be determined separately. A semi-adiabatic method, commonly referred to as the Langavant method, is the basis of the French standard for determining the heat of hydration of cementitious materials.


Thorvaldson, T., Brown, W.G., and Peaker, C.R., Studies on the Thermochemistry of the Compounds Occurring in the System CaO.Al2O3.SiO2. III. The Heat of Hydration of Calcium Oxide, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 52, 910-915, 1930.

Davis, R.E., Carlson, R.W., Troxell, G.E., and Kelly, J.W., Cement Investigations for the Hoover Dam, Journal of the ACI, Vol. 4 (9), 413-431, 1933.

Carlson, R.W., and Forbrich, L.R., Correlation of Methods for Measuring Heat of Hydration of Cement, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, Vol. 10 (7), 382-386, 1938.



McCoy, W.J., Significance of Tests for Heat of Hydration of Cement, Proceedings of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 63, 861- 865, 1963.



Gragg, F.M., and Skalny, J.P., A Simple Calorimeter for Hydration Studies, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 2, 745-748, 1972.

Costa, U., A Simplified Model of Adiabatic Calorimeter, Il Cemento, Vol. 76, 75-91, 1979.



Coole, M.J., Calorimetric Studies of the Hydration Behaviour of Extended Cements, British Ceramic Proceedings, No. 35, 385-401, 1984.

Egan, P.J., A Comparison Between Semi-Isothermal and Semi-Adiabatic Calorimetry of Retarded Cement Mixes, Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 1 (2), 112-118, 1988.



Livesey, P., Donnelly, A., and Tomlinson, C., Measurement of the Heat of Hydration of Cement, International Conference on Blended Cements, Sheffield, England, Sept. 9-12, 1991.

Malek, R.I.A., Methods of Performing Adiabatic and Isothermal Calorimetry, Proc. 9th Int'l. Cong. on the Chemistry of Cement, New Dehli, India, Vol. VI, 210-215, 1992.

Sanchez de Rojas, M.I., Luxan, M.P., Frias, M., and Garcia, N., The Influence of Different Additions on Portland Cement Hydration Heat, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 23, 46-54, 1993.

Simard, M.-A., Nkinamubanzi, P.-C., Jolicoeur, C., Perraton, D., and Aitcin, P.-C., Calorimetry, Rheology, and Compressive Strength of Superplasticized Cement Pastes, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 23, 939-950, 1993.

DeSchutter, G., and Taerwe, L., General Hydration Model for Portland Cement and Blast Furnace Slag Cement, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 25 (3), 593-604, 1995.


Heat of Solution Technique

This technique, established as ASTM standard C-186 in 1944, consists of determining the heat of solution of hydrated cement by dissolving the hydrated material in a mixture of acids and recording the temperature rise in an insulated container. By subtracting the equivalent measure for the unhydrated cement powder, the heat of hydration can be obtained. Typically, zinc oxide (ZnO) is used as a reference material for calibration of the heat capacities of the experimental setup, etc. Measurements are typically performed after 7 and 28 days of hydration.



Thorvaldson, T., Brown, W.G., and Peaker, C.R., Studies on the Thermochemistry of the Compounds Occurring in the System CaO.Al2O3.SiO2. IV. The Heat of Solution of Tricalcium Aluminate and Its Hydrates in Hydrochloric Acid, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 52, 3927-3936, 1930.

Woods, H., Steinour, H.H., and Starke, H.R., Effect of Composition of Portland Cement on Heat Evolved During Hardening, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 24 (11), 1207-1214, 1932.

Davis, R.E., Carlson, R.W., Troxell, G.E., and Kelly, J.W., Cement Investigations for the Hoover Dam, Journal of the ACI, Vol. 4 (9), 413-431, 1933.

Lerch, W., and Bogue, R.H., The Heat of Hydration of Portland Cement Pastes, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 12, 645, 1934.

Lerch, W., A Simple Apparatus for Determining Heat of Hydration of Portland Cement, Engineering News Record, Vol. 113, 523, 1934.

Pierce, S.C., and Larmour, H. McC., Simple Apparatus for Testing Cement Characteristics, Engineering News Record, Vol. 112, 114-116, Jan. 25, 1934.

Carlson, R.W., and Forbrich, L.R., Correlation of Methods for Measuring Heat of Hydration of Cement, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, Vol. 10 (7), 382-386, 1938.

Lerch, W., Effect of Glass Content Upon the Heat of Hydration of Portland Cement, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 21, 235, 1938.



Forbrich, L.R., The Effect of Various Reagents on the Heat Liberation Characteristics of Portland Cement, Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 37, 161-184, 1940.

Lerch, W., and Ford, C.L., Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete: Chapter 3. Chemical and Physical Tests of the Cements, Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 19 (8), 745-795, 1948.

Verbeck, G.J., and Foster, C.W., Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete with Special Reference to Heats of Hydration, PCA Bulletin 32, 1949.



Newman, E.S., A Study of the Determination of the Heat of Hydration of Portland Cement, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 45 (5), 411-417, 1950.

Verbeck, G.J., and Foster, C.W., Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete: Chapter 6- The Heats of Hydration of the Cements, Proceedings- American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 50, 1235-1262, 1950.

Newman, E.S., and Wells, L.S., Heats of Hydration and Pozzolan Content of Portland-Pozzolan Cements, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 49 (2), 55-60, 1952.

Parker, T.W., and Nurse, R.W., Specification Tests for Heat of Hydration of Cement, Cement and Lime Manufacture, Vol. 26 (1), 1-8, 1953.

Pepper, L., Heat of Hydration of Blends of Portland and Natural Cements, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tech. Memo. No. 6-410, pp. 27, July 1955.

Brunauer, S., Kantro, D.L., and Weise, C.H., The Heat of Decomposition of Tricalcium Silicate into B-Dicalcium Silicate and Calcium Oxide, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 60, 771-774, 1956.

Nurse, R.W., and Pai, V.N., Determination of the Heat of Hydration of Cements Containing Slag or Pozzolana, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 8 (22), 3-6, 1956.

Kantro, D.L., Brunauer, S., and Weise, C.H., The Ball-Mill Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate at Room Temperature, Journal of Colloid Science, Vol. 14 (4), 363-376, 1959.



Brunauer, S., and Greenberg, S.A., The Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate and B-Dicalcium Silicate at Room Temperature, Paper III-1., Proceedings of the 4th Int'l. Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Washington, D.C., Vol. 1, 135-165, 1960.

Copeland, L.E., Kantro, D.L., and Verbeck, G., Chemistry of Hydration of Portland Cement, Paper IV-3., Proceedings of the 4th Int'l. Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Washington, D.C., Vol. 1, 429-468, 1960.

Santarelli, L., Piscelli, F., and Covarelli, C., The Measurement of Heats of Hydration of Portland and Pozzolanic Cement, Revue des Materiaux de Construction, No. 533, 31-42, 1960.

Schwiete, H.E., and Tan Tik-Ien, A., Contribution to the Determination of the Heat of Hydration of Clinker Minerals, Paper IV-S10, Proceedings of the 4th Int'l. Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Washington, D.C., Vol. 1, 545-550, 1960.

Berman, H.A., and Newman, E.S., Calorimetry of Portland Cement I. Effect of Various Procedures on Determination of Heat of Solution, Proceedings of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 63, 830-851, 1963.

Berman, H.A., and Newman, E.S., Calorimetry of Portland Cement II. Application of Various Heat-of-Solution Procedures to Determination of Heat of Hydration, Proceedings of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 63, 852-860, 1963.

Committe on Heat of Hydration, A Proposal for Determining Heat of Hydration of Portland Cement-Fly Ash Cement by the Heat of Solution Method, Japan Cement Engineering Association, International Subcommittee on Concrete for Large Dams, Cairo, Feb. 1963.

McCoy, W.J., Significance of Tests for Heat of Hydration of Cement, Proceedings of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 63, 861- 865, 1963.

Kantro, D.L., Weise, C.H., and Brunauer, S., Paste Hydration of Beta-Dicalcium Silicate, Tricalcium Silicate, and Alite, Symposium on Structure of Portland Cement Paste and Concrete, Highway Research Board Special Report No. 90, 309-327, 1966.

Klieger, P., and Isberner, A.W., Laboratory Studies of Blended Cements- Portland Blast-Furnace Slag Cements, Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories, Vol. 9 (3), 2-22, 1967.

Toubeau, G.A., Some Observations Upon the Determination of Heat of Hydration of Slag and Portland Cements by the Method of Differential Heat of Solution, Supplementary Paper II-47, 5th International Symposium on Chemistry of Cement, Tokyo, 455-471, 1968.



Rogers, D.E., Measurement of Heat of Hydration of Cement by a Modified Heat of Solution Method, Cement Technology, 211-215, 1975.



Berhane, Z., Heat of Hydration of Cement Pastes at Different Temperatures, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 13, 114-118, 1983.

Killoh, D.C., A Comparison of Conduction Calorimeter and Heat of Solution Methods for Measurement of the Heat of Hydration of Cement, Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 1, 180-186, 1988.



Hooton, R.D., Effects of Carbonate Additions on Heat of Hydration and Sulfate Resistance of Portland Cements, Carbonate Additions to Cement, ASTM STP 1064, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 73-81, 1990.

Livesey, P., Donnelly, A., and Tomlinson, C., Measurement of the Heat of Hydration of Cement, International Conference on Blended Cements, Sheffield, England, Sept. 9-12, 1991.

Rahhal, V.F., and Batic, O.R., Mineral Admixtures Contribution to the Development of Heat of Hydration and Strength, Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates, 150-158, Winter 1994.


For more information, contact:

Mr. Dale Bentz
dale.bentz [at] (dale[dot]bentz[at]nist[dot]gov)


Created June 21, 2017, Updated November 15, 2019