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Inerting of Methane-Air Mixutres by Halon 1301 (CF3Br) and Halon Substitutes.. Zlochower, I. A.; Hertzberg, M. A.; 1991
Modes of Chemical Suppression Action: Guidance for Agent Evaluation.. Sheinson, R. S.; Baldwin, S. P.; 1993
Modeling of the Flow Properties and Discharge of Halon Replacement Agents.. DiNenno, P. J.; Forssell, E. W.; Ferreira, M. J.; Hanauska, C.; Johnson, B. A.; 1994
Cup Burner as a Suppression Mechanism Research Tool: Results, Interpretations, and Implications.. Sheinson, R. S.; Maranghides, A.; 1997
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Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program: FY2002 Progress.. Gann, R. G.; 2002
Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program: FY2004 Progress.. Gann, R. G.; 2004
F-Gas Regulation and Its Implications in Fire Suppression Applications.. Robin, M. L.; 2006