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Diffusion Flame Measurements: Profiles

Building and Fire Research Laboratory

Diffusion Flame Measurements

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Profiles of species concentrations (mole fraction), temperature (K), and velocity (cm/s) are presented, as well as profiles of the mixture fraction and scalar dissipation rate. Species include Ar, CH, CH3, C2H2, C6H6, CH2O, CH4, CO, CO2, H2, H2O, H atom, N2, NO, O2, and O atom.

These downloadable data files are formatted as ASCII text files, and should be usable in any word processor.  If inappropriate wrapping occurs, it should be easily fixed by making your page bigger, your font smaller, your margins wider, etc.

Ar-B Argon, mass spectrometer
C2H2-B Acetylene (C2H2), mass spectrometer
C6H6-B Benzene (C6H6) mass spectrometer, scaled to 450 ppm at H=9 mm
CH2O-B Formaldehyde (CH2O), scaled to 1.0e-03 at H = 9 mm
CH3-MPI-B9 CH3, multiphoton ionization, scaled 2.3e-03 from Smooke calc. (Norton et al., 1993)
CH3-MS-B CH3, mass spectrometer, scaled to 2.3e-03 at H = 9 mm from Smooke calc. (Norton et al., 1993)
CH4-B Methane (CH4), mass spectrometer
CH-B CH, linear fluorescence, scaled to 0.7 ppm from Smooke calc. (Norton et al., 1993)
CO2-B CO2, mass spectrometer
CO-MS-B CO, mass spectrometer
CO-TDL-B9 CO, tunable diode laser, H = 9 mm
H2-B H2, mass spectrometer
H2O, mass spectrometer
H atom, multiphoton ionization, scaled to 2.5e-03 from partial equilibrium analysis (Smyth et al, 1990)
H-VEL-B Horizontal velocity, calculated from continuity (Norton et al., 1993)
H-VEL-DAT Horizontal velocity, original data, LDV
N2, calculation (Norton et al., 1993)
NO-B NO, linear fluorescence
O2-B O2, mass spectrometer
O atom, two-photon fluorescence, scaled to 2.0e-03 from Smooke calculation (Norton et al., 1993)
SDR-B9 Scalar dissipation rate, smoothed (Norton et al., 1993)
TEMP-B Temperature, thermocouple, radiation corrected
TEMP-DAT Temperature, original data, thermocouple, radiation corrected
V-VEL-B Vertical velocity, calculated from control files
V-VEL-DAT Vertical velocity, original data, LDV
Z-BILGER-B Mixture fraction, using Bilger expression (Norton et al., 1993)

Created September 24, 2012, Updated June 2, 2021