Powered by the Manufacturing Extension Partnership
This blog is the fifth in a monthly series brought to you by the America Works initiative. As a part of the MEP National Network’s goal of supporting the growth of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, this series focuses on innovative approaches, and uncovering the latest trends in manufacturing workforce development.
As I discussed in my last post, there is no “magic worker tree” where small and medium-sized manufacturers can instantly grab workers and plug them into open positions. Rather, American manufacturing is better served by making a concerted investment in our current workforce, so workers feel valued, appreciated and understand they have a bright future in manufacturing.
To do that, we’re going to need to travel back in time and take a page out of the playbook of yesteryear – specifically, we’re going to need to rejuvenate apprenticeships in this country. Now, before you click back to cat videos and funny memes, hear me out. Just like modern manufacturing has come a long way from the factories of the past, so have modern apprenticeships. Here are four reasons your manufacturing company should take a serious look at registered apprenticeships in 2021 and beyond:
So, now that you’re inspired about apprenticeships, take a first step in this area. Read the new whitepaper by NJMEP that gives a full analysis of apprenticeships, including valuable ROI statistics that will help you sell this idea internally. Reach out to your local MEP Center to discuss what apprenticeship could bring to your company. Put your concerns on the table, because chances are good that a local partner – like your community college, state workforce board or your MEP Center – will take on that burden or alleviate that fear. Bringing apprenticeships back is the right move for American manufacturing, allowing us to stay competitive globally while supporting communities and workers locally.