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Blast from the Past: Why Manufacturers Should Get More Involved in Registered Apprenticeships

Students in a manufacturing class at school wearing facemasks
Credit: iStock/andresr

This blog is the fifth in a monthly series brought to you by the America Works initiative. As a part of the MEP National Network’s goal of supporting the growth of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, this series focuses on innovative approaches, and uncovering the latest trends in manufacturing workforce development.

As I discussed in my last post, there is no “magic worker tree” where small and medium-sized manufacturers can instantly grab workers and plug them into open positions. Rather, American manufacturing is better served by making a concerted investment in our current workforce, so workers feel valued, appreciated and understand they have a bright future in manufacturing.

To do that, we’re going to need to travel back in time and take a page out of the playbook of yesteryear – specifically, we’re going to need to rejuvenate apprenticeships in this country. Now, before you click back to cat videos and funny memes, hear me out. Just like modern manufacturing has come a long way from the factories of the past, so have modern apprenticeships. Here are four reasons your manufacturing company should take a serious look at registered apprenticeships in 2021 and beyond:

  1. You Have a Strong Team Behind You: In addition to your local MEP Center, which can tap into best practices in apprenticeships through America Works, the national nonprofit JFF’s Center for Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning is an active and supportive partner in this area. They are currently contracted to register at least 750 new apprentices per year, with 50% coming from underrepresented populations (with a focus on women and people of color). Their resources include structures, curricula, how-to guides and even marketing materials. Companies can even receive incentive funding to assist with launching these apprenticeship programs! Working with JFF is a win for your company, a win for your workers and a win for your local community.
  2. Apprenticeship Improves Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Many potential manufacturing workers out there are from underrepresented communities, and they are leaving low-wage jobs with the hopes for a better future for themselves. A long-time restaurant or healthcare worker might have exactly the passion, dedication and commitment that a manufacturing business is looking for; they just need a chance and the career pathway that apprenticeship offers. If your company wants to make an impact in advancing social justice in this country, launching an apprenticeship program is a strong and bold move in that direction.
  3. Apprenticeship Works: The numbers speak for themselves. Ninety-seven percent of employer sponsors recommend apprenticeship programs, 91% of apprentices stay at the job where they’ve received training and employers receive an average of $1.47 of increased productivity for every dollar spent on apprenticeship. In short, lower turnover and more engaged employees are always a good thing.
  4. It’s About More Than Apprenticeship: While registered apprenticeship is great because of the structured training it offers for the individual, focusing on this area will actually strengthen your company across the board. For example, the formal mentorship required by apprenticeships could actually help all your employees. Creating new bonds to high schools and colleges could lead to all kinds of new employees, not just apprentices. Reviewing the hiring process will help selection and onboarding for every position and developing a more thoughtful approach to workforce – including better employment planning, training, and evaluation – helps management across the enterprise.

So, now that you’re inspired about apprenticeships, take a first step in this area. Read the new whitepaper by NJMEP that gives a full analysis of apprenticeships, including valuable ROI statistics that will help you sell this idea internally. Reach out to your local MEP Center to discuss what apprenticeship could bring to your company. Put your concerns on the table, because chances are good that a local partner – like your community college, state workforce board or your MEP Center – will take on that burden or alleviate that fear. Bringing apprenticeships back is the right move for American manufacturing, allowing us to stay competitive globally while supporting communities and workers locally.

About the author

Matt Fieldman

Matthew Fieldman is currently Executive Director of America Works, a nationwide initiative to coordinate the American manufacturing industry's training efforts, generating a more capable, skilled, and diverse workforce. Based at MAGNET: The Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network, Matt works across the nation's Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) system to increase collaboration, efficiency, and impact of local and regional workforce development efforts.

Previously, he was Vice President of External Affairs for MAGNET, a nonprofit that helps Northeast Ohio’s small- and medium-sized manufacturers grow locally while competing globally. In this role, he launched the Ohio Manufacturing Survey; mspire, a regional startup pitch competition; helped launch manufacturing apprenticeships for inner-city youth; and is responsible for fundraising, legislative relations, media relations, and more. Concurrently, Matthew is the founding Board Chair of EDWINS Restaurant and Leadership Institute, Cleveland's first nonprofit restaurant and one of the first of its kind nationally to train formerly incarcerated individuals to work in fine dining. He raised over $600,000 to start EDWINS and was named “2014 Fundraiser of the Year” by Fundraising Success magazine for his efforts. He is also the founder of Cleveland Codes, one of the nation's first nonprofit software bootcamps devoted specifically to training low-income adults for careers in technology. Originally from Orlando, Florida, Matt earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, cum laude, from the University of Florida, a Master of Business Administration from The George Washington University, and a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Case Western Reserve University. He is a former Ariane de Rothschild and American Council on Germany Transatlantic Fellow, and is currently a Civil Society Fellow at the Aspen Institute.

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