The FLC is comprised of over 300 federal laboratories, each of which is represented by Agency Representatives (ARs) and Laboratory Representatives (LRs).
The Executive Board is the FLC’s governing body. It is composed of four nationally elected positions—FLC Chair, Vice-Chair, Finance Officer, and Recording Secretary—in addition to the Host Agency Representative, six Regional Coordinators, six Members-at-Large, and the chairs of standing committees, who are appointed by the Executive Board. The FLC Executive Board determines organizational policy and direction, as well as establishes the annual budget.
The Executive Board is advised by the National Advisory Council (NAC), which includes advisors from the FLC’s user communities, i.e., industry, academia, state and local governments, and federal laboratories. The NAC Chair serves as an ad hoc member of the Executive Board, as does the DC Liaison. The DC Liaison provides the Executive Board with information regarding T2 legislation, policy, and procedures.
Other participating organization members are federal agency representatives (ARs) and laboratory representatives (LRs). ARs and LRs serve as the primary link between their parent agency or laboratory and the FLC.
To best serve its large and geographically diverse membership, the FLC is organized into six regional subdivisions: Far West, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-Continent, Northeast, and Southeast. Each Consortium member laboratory is a member of the region in which it is located. Regional Coordinators (RCs) and Deputy Regional Coordinators (DRCs) manage the technology transfer efforts of the FLC, and carry out the affairs and activities of the region.