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NIST in New Hampshire


in financial awards from NIST to organizations in the state of New Hampshire since 2022.

NIST supports key sectors in new hampshire

Advanced manufacturing

  • New Hampshire manufacturers rely on NIST reference materials to check the quality and purity of metals, fuels, polymers and more. This saves time and money and provides manufacturers with the highest quality control for parts where failure would cause catastrophic losses.
  • NIST’s CHIPS for America program has entered a preliminary agreement to provide BAE Systems with $35 million to support the modernization of its mature-node production facility in Nashua, New Hampshire. The project will replace aging tools and quadruple the production of chips for critical defense including the F-35 fighter jet.
  • BioFabUSA, headquartered in Manchester, New Hampshire, integrates innovative cell and tissue cultures with advances in biofabrication, automation, robotics and analytical technologies to create disruptive research and development tools and FDA-compliant manufacturing processes. BioFabUSA is part of the Manufacturing USA network managed by NIST.

New Hampshire MEP helped Forward Merch, an entertainment sector merchandiser with design, production, e-commerce and other services, scale its services to meet a rapid increase in demand. After New Hampshire MEP trained the Forward Merch employees in lean manufacturing principles, they realized $500,000 in new and retained sales and $200,000 in cost savings.

Technology and innovation

  • In FY 2024, NIST supported New Hampshire’s technology and innovation ecosystem with $6 million for the cybersecurity program at Plymouth State
    University and development of a research park for industry collaborations at the University of New Hampshire.
  • Since FY 2020, New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership, part of the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership, has received over $4.4 million in federal funds from NIST, with over $3.4 million matched in nonfederal funds, to provide affordable, innovative solutions to the problems encountered by today’s manufacturing enterprise by facilitating interaction between industry, government and academia.

Biotechnology, life sciences and health care

  • In FY 2024, NIST granted the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI) in Manchester, New Hampshire, with over $1 million to support build-out of a biofabrication standards-related test laboratory.
  •  In 2024, Northeast Delta Dental, a New Hampshire company, was a recipient of the Baldrige Award. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award® is the highest recognition that a U.S. organization can receive for performance excellence and provides recipients with a competitive advantage for being identified as national role models of resilience.
  • In 2022, New Hampshire MEP developed an on-site quality standards certification training program for Lakeside Life Science, which provides fullservice clinical research services during every stage of diagnostics product development. This partnership resulted in $1.3 million in new or retained sales through training and coaching to formalize processes, create ways to effectively manage people and resources, and better meet customer requirements.
  • NIST reference materials help the biotechnology industry with quantitative analytical measurement tools for nucleic acids, proteins, metabolites and cell systems so that manufacturers can monitor and improve manufacturing methods and products — and innovate more quickly. New Hampshire’s biopharmaceutical companies use NIST’s monoclonal antibody reference material for reliable production of treatments made from living cell lines.
  • NIST’s guidance on temperature control for vaccine storage has reduced waste by 30%, so more doses are available for more people. NIST’s calibration materials for magnetic resonance imaging help medical researchers develop quantitative tests that can rapidly determine if treatments for glioblastoma and other cancers are working, speeding clinical decisions.
  • In FY 2023, NIST supported New Hampshire’s clean water efforts with over $1.5 million for enhancement of the University of New Hampshire’s Stormwater Center and Marine Waterfront Facility.

CHIPS Funding

BAE Systems, Inc. (New Hampshire)

Award Amount
$35.5 million in direct funding
CHIPS Organization
CHIPS Program Office
The CHIPS for America award will provide BAE Systems up to $35.5 million in total direct funding under the CHIPS and Science Act to support a modernization project that will replace aging tools and quadruple the production of chips necessary for critical defense programs, including the $1.7 trillion F-35 fighter jet program.

MEP Success Stories

Lean Manufacturing Makes Forward Merch More Efficient and Increases Customer Satisfaction

Reported Year
“It was 2021 and we were growing at a rapid pace,” said Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer Kristian Theodore. “We were scaling very quickly and noticing a lot of inefficiencies. Projects were not getting done in a timely manner because of the way we had things set up.” Kristian and his partners knew they needed a system to get their

Rumford Stone Utilizes a Lean Training and Implementation Program to Improve Their Business

Reported Year
“We’re a custom job shop. We don’t have the luxury of making 1,000 widgets at a time,” said Vince Trento, President of Rumford Stone. “So, we were having a problem with our sink handling process. We had solid processes in place for making countertops, but the handling and coordination of customer sinks were creating inefficiencies. We supplied some

Lean Training and Implementation Leads to Much Better Outcomes for Harvey Building Products

Reported Year
“One of the measurables of our KPI’s is called units per person, or UPP,” said Harvey Building Products' Continuous Improvement Manager Matt Bouvier. “We were shooting for a KPI of 13, but the UPP was around 8-1/2 to 9. So we weren’t making the money as we hoped. We knew there was a lot of meat on the bone to go after, and looking at the line

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Toward a Resilient Nashua, New Hampshire

Something that is resilient bounces back from injury or adversity. Communities that are resilient may be damaged by some natural or manmade hazard event, but

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