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Interagency Committee on Standards Policy (ICSP): Charter

March 22, 2019


The Interagency Committee on Standards Policy (herein after referred to as the “Committee”) is established to provide a forum for coordination on policies related to Federal participation and use of standards and conformity assessment consistent with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-119, "Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities." The Committee advises the Secretary of Commerce and the heads of other Federal agencies in matters relating to the implementation of OMB A-119 and reports to the Secretary of Commerce through the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


The purpose of the Committee is to promote effective participation by the Federal Government in domestic and international standards and conformity assessment activities and the adherence to uniform policies by Federal agencies in the development and use of standards and in conformity assessment activities. Well-considered Federal policies reflecting the public interest can expedite the development and adoption of standards that stimulate competition, promote innovation, and protect the public safety and welfare. Standards can also further national goals for the use of environmentally sound and energy efficient materials, products, systems, services, or practices. Heightened awareness of the importance of standards activities are reflected in the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-113), signed into law March 7, 1996 and the subsequent revisions of OMB Circular A-119.


The objective of the Committee is to promote effective and consistent standards and conformity assessment policies in furtherance of U.S. goals and to foster cooperative participation by the Federal Government, U.S. industry, and other private organizations in standards and conformity assessment activities.


1. The Committee shall provide a forum for sharing information about the use of standards, participation in standards development, conformity assessment, and related regulations, rules, policies, and activities:

(a) conducted within or established by Federal agencies; and

(b) conducted by standards organizations including national, regional and international organizations engaged in such programs; and pertaining to the relationships Federal agencies have with industry and the various national, regional, and international organizations engaged in such programs.

2. On the basis of such information, and when appropriate with respect to the activities named in paragraph one above, the Committee shall promote the coordination of programs and activities that:

(a) strengthen coordination of standards and conformity assessment policies and activities among the Federal agencies;

(b) improve the efficiency of the Federal Government with regard to national, regional, and international standardization activities, both private and governmental, and promote standards and conformity assessment related policies within the Federal Government consistent with statutory obligations regarding interactions with non-Federal Government organizations;

(c) encourage effective representation of the Federal Government at significant national, regional, and international standardization meetings and conferences;

(d) promote the use of international standards with a view to increasing trade and U.S. competitiveness;

(e) maintain awareness of U.S. trade agreement obligations and how Federal agencies can comply with those obligations when developing standards and conformity assessment for use in technical regulations, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and government procurements;

(f) as appropriate, inform the development of agency strategic plans for managing and monitoring use of voluntary standards and participation in standards-related activities.


1. The membership of the ICSP shall be constituted by the agencies listed on The head of each member agency shall appoint representation by a responsible high-level policy official who serves as the agency representative on the Committee. The agency representative shall also serve as the Standards Executive. Appointments to the Committee shall be for an indefinite term.

2. Standards Executives may designate alternates to represent their agencies at the ICSP.

3. Experts from organizations within the member agency may be designated by agency representatives to serve on task groups established by the Committee.

4. Other Federal agencies may become members of the Committee upon application to, or invitation by, the ICSP Chair.

Administrative Provisions

1. The Director of NIST or the Director's designee shall chair the Committee.

2. The Chair of the ICSP shall serve as the Standards Executive for the Department of Commerce.

3. NIST shall provide administrative arrangements for the Committee including secretarial services, calling of meetings, arranging for a meeting place, and preparation of an agenda and related materials.

4. The Committee shall meet at least three times each year. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair or at the written request of five (5) members of the Committee.

5. The Committee may establish task groups as appropriate.

6. Attendance at Committee meetings by at least one half of the designated members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Decisions internal to the Committee's operations, such as formation of a task group, shall be made by a majority of those present and voting. Voting on Committee business and proposals shall be limited to designated agency members or their alternates. Decisions concerning Committee recommendations to the Secretary of Commerce on OMB A-119 as set out in paragraph two of the section entitled "Functions" shall require ratification by two-thirds of the members present and voting. Dissenting positions of the decision may be made a matter of record. The Chair shall not vote except in the case of a tie vote. Electronic voting may be used in the absence of a quorum or between meetings.


The Charter of the Committee shall be reexamined three years after the date of this Charter to determine the need for the Committee's continuation.



Created April 1, 2021, Updated April 6, 2021