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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 18101 - 18125 of 74855

Cryocooled 10 V Programmable Josephson Voltage Standard

December 11, 2014
Alain Rufenacht, Logan A. Howe, Anna E. Fox, Robert E. Schwall, Paul D. Dresselhaus, Charles J. Burroughs, Samuel P. Benz
Improvements in fabrication and packaging of our 10 V Programmable Josephson Voltage Standard circuits have enabled the successful operation of these devices on a cryocooler. Limited cooling power and temperature oscillations at the chip must not

Cryocooled 10 V Programmable Josephson Voltage Standard

December 11, 2014
Alain Rufenacht, Logan A. Howe, Anna Fox, Robert E. Schwall, Paul Dresselhaus, Charles J. Burroughs, Samuel Benz
Implementation of programmable Josephson voltage standard (PJVS) circuits on cryocooler at 4 K is a challenge. The limited cooling power of the cryocoolers has to balance the heat dissipated by the PJVS circuit in order to maintain a stable temperature


December 11, 2014
Guodong Shao, Sanjay Jain, Seungjun Shin
Manufacturing organizations are able to accumulate large amounts of plant floor production and environmental data due to advances in data collection, communications technology, and use of standards. The challenge has shifted from collecting a sufficient

Quantifying CD4 receptor protein in two human CD4+ lymphocyte preparations for quantitative flow cytometry

December 11, 2014
Meiyao M. Wang, Martin Misakian, Hua-Jun He, Peter Bajcsy, Jeffrey M. Davis, Kenneth D. Cole, Illarion Turko, Lili Wang, Fatima Abbasi
For quantitative flow cytometry, a biological cell reference material with a known biomarker expression level is needed to transform a linear arbitrary fluorescence intensity scale obtained with fluorescent microspheres to an antibody bound per cell (ABC)


December 11, 2014
Sanjay Jain, Guodong Shao
Development of a data analytics application for manufacturing is best when tested with large sets of data. It is usually difficult for application developers to find access to real manufacturing data streams for testing new data analytics applications

A self-calibrating optomechanical force sensor with femtonewton resolution

December 10, 2014
John T. Melcher, Julian Stirling, Felipe Guzman, Jon R. Pratt, Gordon A. Shaw
We report the development of an ultrasensitive optomechanical sensor designed to improve the accuracy and precision of force measurements with atomic force microscopy. The sensors achieve quality factors of 4.3x10^6 (a 100-fold improvement over quartz

Computing elastic moduli on 3-D X-ray computed tomography image stacks

December 10, 2014
Edward Garboczi, Volodymyr Kushch
A common numerical task is to compute the effective elastic properties of a random composite material based on its microstructure by operating on a 3D digital image of the microstructure obtained via X-ray computed tomography (CT). The 3-D image is usually

Experimental Bounds on Classical Random Field Theories

December 10, 2014
Joffrey K. Peters, Sergey V. Polyakov, Jingyun Fan, Alan L. Migdall
Alternative theories to quantum mechanics motivate important fundamental tests of our understanding and description of the smallest physical systems. Here we place experimental limits on those classical field theories which result in power-dependent

Firebrand Accumulation in Front of Structures in Large Outdoor Fires

December 10, 2014
Samuel L. Manzello, Sayaka Suzuki
The production of firebrands contributes to the spread of disastrous large outdoor fires. As structures are exposed to wind, stagnation planes are produced around structures. In a prior scoping study, the authors demonstrated that firebrands may accumulate

Ignition of Mulch beds exposed to firebrand showers

December 10, 2014
Samuel L. Manzello, Sayaka Suzuki
Mulch is commonly found near buildings and is a useful surrogate to study various fuels that may be present near buildings. To this end, mulch beds were exposed to continuous, wind-driven firebrand showers. These experiments build on our prior work where

Sample Allocation for Multiple Attribute Selection Problems

December 10, 2014
Dennis D. Leber, Jeffery W. Herrmann
Prior to making a multiple attribute selection decision, a decision-maker may collect information to estimate the value of each attribute for each alternative. In this work, we consider a fixed experimental sample budget and address the problem of how best

Biomass Particle Models with Realistic Morphology and Resolved Microstructure for Simulations of Intraparticle Transport Phenomena

December 9, 2014
Peter Ciesielski, Michael F. Crowley, M R. Nimlos, Aric Sanders, Gavin Wiggins, Bryon Donohoe
Biomass exhibits a complex microstructure of directional pores that can vary substantially between species of origin. However, models of biomass particles employed in simulations of conversion processes typically employ over-simplified geometry such as

Computing confidence intervals for common IR measures

December 9, 2014
Ian M. Soboroff
Confidence intervals quantify the uncertainty in an average and o↵er a robust alternative to hypothesis testing. We measure the performance of standard and bootstrapped con- fidence intervals on a number of common IR measures using several TREC and NTCIR

Microwave Determination of the Volume of a Pressure Vessel

December 9, 2014
Michael R. Moldover, James W. Schmidt, Keith A. Gillis, James B. Mehl, John D. Wright
Using microwave techniques that are scalable to very large volumes, we measured the interior volume of a 0.3 m 3, commercially-manufactured, pressure vessel with an uncertainty of 0.05 %, as confirmed by independent, more-accurate, gas-expansion

Formalizing Software Bugs

December 8, 2014
Irena Bojanova
Knowing what makes a software systems vulnerable to attacks is critical, as software vulnerabilities hurt security, reliability, and availability of the system as a whole. In addition, understanding how an adversary operates is essential to effective cyber

Generation of bright phase-matched circularly-polarized extreme ultraviolet high harmonics

December 8, 2014
Justin M. Shaw, Patrik Grychtol, Dmitriy Zusin, Ronny J. Knut, Tenio Popmintchev, Hans T. Nembach, Avner Fleischer, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Ofer Kfir, Oren Cohen
Circularly-polarized extreme UV and X-ray radiation provides valuable access to the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of materials. To date, this capability was available only at large-scale X-ray free-electron lasers or synchrotrons. Here we
Displaying 18101 - 18125 of 74855