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A Comparison of Rating Water-Source Heat Pumps Using ARI Standard 320 and ISO Standard 13256-1



William V. Payne, Piotr A. Domanski


This investigation compares the ARI 320 (1998) and the ISO 13256-1 (1998) heating and cooling standards for water-source heat pumps to determine the difference in capacity and efficiency for a given heat pump tested with these standards. Multiple tests were run using two heat pumps of different capacities from different manufacturers. These tests included two small units a ducted 1.75 kW (0.5 ton) unit and a non-ducted 3.52 kW (1.0 ton) unit. Air and water flow were varied at the ISO conditions to determine the correction in capacity and total power mandated by the ISO standard. The effects of this variability were measured and compared to test results using the ARI 320 standard as the baseline test. ISO cooling capacity for the first and second units were 0.05 % higher and 1.10 % lower than the ARI capacity, respectively. ISO cooling EER for the first and second nits were 4.47 % higher and 3.88 % lower than the AIR, respectively. ISO heating capacity for the first and second units were 4.78 % lower and 2.88 % lower than the ARI capacity, respectively. ISO heating COP for the first and second units were 6.24 % higher and 1.01 % lower than the ARI, respectively.
NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR) - 6803
Report Number


air conditioner, ARI Standard 320, capacity, COP, EER, heat pump, ISO Standard 13256-1, water-source heat pump


Payne, W. and Domanski, P. (2001), A Comparison of Rating Water-Source Heat Pumps Using ARI Standard 320 and ISO Standard 13256-1, NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, [online],, (Accessed September 20, 2024)


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Created August 31, 2001, Updated October 12, 2021