NIST, in coordination with industry and other agencies, is developing benchmark materials, measurements, data, and models to accelerate innovation in and validate performance of materials and technologies for carbon capture, removal, use, and sequestration. This work contributes to the development and commercialization of new carbon dioxide mitigation technologies.
The consortium is bringing together stakeholders to accelerate the adoption of advanced cements and concretes. One focus is to develop measurement solutions and standards to improve measurement confidence, establish measurement traceability, and enable comparability in the measurements to quantify carbon and carbonate in advanced cements and concretes.
For more information or to apply for a membership:
Visit the consortium page or contact advancedconcretes [at] (advancedconcretes[at]nist[dot]gov).
Our work is informed by stakeholders from industry, academia, and other federal agencies. The community has confirmed the need for validation of:
We are accelerating achievement of these critical outcomes with a current focus on reference methods, materials, and data for:
NETL Expertise To Help Develop Standards for Direct Air Capture Industry
"NETL will help guide the development of new science-based performance metrics, testing methods and standards for direct air capture (DAC) — a critical emerging technology to address climate change by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and meet the nation’s decarbonization goals." Read More.
Measuring the Influence of CO2 and Water Vapor on the Dynamics in Polyethylenimine to Understand the Direct Air Capture of CO2 from the Environment
May 2024
A Review of Current Practice for Life Cycle Assessment of Cement and Concrete
July 2024
Author(s): Josefine A. Olsson, Sabbie Miller, Joshua D. Kneifel
A Synthetic Methodology for Preparing Impregnated Grafted Amine-Based Silica-Composites for Carbon Capture
September 29, 2023
Author(s): Charlotte Wentz, Zois Tsinas, Amanda L. Forster
Improved Apparatus for Dynamic Column Breakthrough Measurements Relevant to Direct Air Capture of CO2
May 23, 2023
Author(s): William Sean McGivern, Huong Giang Nguyen, Jeffrey A. Manion