The deviation of UTC(NIST) from UTC has been less than +/-100 ns since July 6, 1994. The table below shows values of UTC - UTC(NIST) as supplied by the BIPM Circular T for the most recent period in which data are available.
UTC - UTC(NIST)Values (at 10-day intervals)
Date | MJD | UTC-UTC(NIST) ns |
2005-12-25 | 53729 | 3.7 |
2005-12-15 | 53719 | 2.6 |
2005-12-05 | 53709 | 3.4 |
2005-11-25 | 53699 | 0.1 |
2005-11-15 | 53689 | -4.3 |
2005-11-05 | 53679 | -7.2 |
2005-10-26 | 53669 | -9.7 |
2005-10-16 | 53659 | -11.5 |
2005-10-06 | 53649 | -12.2 |
2005-09-26 | 53639 | -12.7 |
2005-09-16 | 53629 | -12.6 |
2005-09-06 | 53619 | -11.8 |
2005-08-27 | 53609 | -11.6 |
2005-08-17 | 53599 | -10.3 |
2005-08-07 | 53589 | -6.1 |
2005-07-28 | 53579 | -1.9 |
2005-07-18 | 53569 | 4.3 |
2005-07-08 | 53559 | 8.4 |
2005-06-28 | 53549 | 10.5 |
2005-06-18 | 53539 | 15.6 |
2005-06-08 | 53529 | 14 |
2005-05-29 | 53519 | 8.4 |
2005-05-19 | 53509 | 5.7 |
2005-05-09 | 53499 | 3.4 |
2005-04-29 | 53489 | 1.4 |
2005-04-19 | 53479 | 1.8 |
2005-04-09 | 53469 | 0.6 |
2005-03-30 | 53459 | -1.1 |
2005-03-20 | 53449 | -2.2 |
2005-03-10 | 53439 | -3.6 |
2005-02-28 | 53429 | -2.2 |
2005-02-18 | 53419 | -1.8 |
2005-02-08 | 53409 | -1.8 |
2005-01-29 | 53399 | -1.7 |
2005-01-19 | 53389 | 0.8 |
2005-01-09 | 53379 | 1.3 |