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Thuc Mai (Assoc)

Thuc Mai received his PhD in physics at the Ohio State University in May 2019. His research focus was on the experimental measurement of novel magnetic materials using time-domain Terahertz spectroscopy. He is continuing his pursuit of characterizing novel quantum magnets using magneto-Raman spectroscopy as an NRC postdoc in Angela Hight Walker’s lab. One of his research interests is on exotic excitations in quantum materials, such as topological magnons, Majorana fermions, etc. The goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of using these phenomena to develop new technologies, such as quantum computing.

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Curriculum Vitae

Selected Publications

  • A. M. Potts, T. T. Mai, M. T. Warren, and R. Valdés Aguilar, "Corrective re-gridding techniques for non-uniform sampling in time-domain terahertz spectroscopy," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 1037-1043 (2019) 
  • Thuc T. Mai, C. Svoboda, M.T. Warren, T.-H. Jang, J. Brangham, Y.H. Jeong, S-W. Cheong, R. Valdés Aguilar, “Terahertz Spin-Orbital Excitations in the paramagnetic state of multiferroic Sr2FeSi2O7”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 94, 224416 (2016)


Ring-exchange interaction effects on magnons in the Dirac magnet CoTiO3

Yufei Li, Thuc Mai, Mohammed Karaki, Evan Jasper, Kevin Garrity, Chase Lyon, Daniel Shaw, Timmothy DeLazzer, Adam Biacchi, Rebecca Dally, Daniel Heligman, Jared Gdanski, Tehseen Adel, Maria Munoz, Alex Giovannone, Amit Pawbake, Clément Faugeras, Jeffrey Simpson, Kate Ross, Nandini Trivedi, Yuanming Lu, Angela R. Hight Walker, Rolando Valdes Aguilar
In magnetically ordered materials with localized electrons, it has been known for a long time [1–3] that the fundamental interactions are due to exchange of

Noncryogenic Air Separation using Aluminum Formate Al(HCOO)3 (ALF)

Dinesh Mullangi, Hayden Evans, Taner N. Yildirim, Yuxiang Wang, Zeyu Deng, Zhaoqiang Zhang, Thuc Mai, Fengxia Wei, John Wang, Angela R. Hight Walker, Craig Brown, Dan Zhao, Pieremanuele Canepa, Anthony K. Cheetham
Separating oxygen from air to create oxygen-enriched gas streams is a process that is significant in both industrial and medical fields. However, the prominent
Created June 4, 2019, Updated December 8, 2022