Tseng, Allen, Gates, Venable, Mendonca, Raedeke, Hernandez, Kau, Materese, Stoughton
The group is recognized for dramatically improving the functionality, design, and performance of NIST’s websites. A November 2017 benchmarking survey ranked nist.gov No. 3 among the 500 most popular federal websites. The project required extraordinary teamwork and extensive collaboration with every OU. Using the cloud-based, open-source Drupal system saves NIST approximately $300,000 per year. The team automated conversion of approximately 100,000 legacy webpages, saving the OUs thousands of labor hours. The new Drupal site’s flexible design accommodates complex interactive research websites, allowing OUs to eliminate costs for some stand-alone web servers. Page views increased by 23 percent for nist.gov and 12.4 percent for inet.gov.