Group: Potts, Jennison, Bollinger, Boisclair, Brusko
Individuals: Meyer, Rodriguez, Caraway and Schulz
The group is honored for successfully meeting the Presidential Performance Contracting Challenge for energy-efficiency upgrades in federal buildings. Their work resulted in awarding two complex, alternative-financed energy-saving performance contracts valued at over $125 million, which is 970% of the Commerce Department’s commitment of $12 million under President Obama’s challenge. These projects will result in guaranteed annual energy bill savings ranging from $4.4 million in year one, after the projects’ acceptance and commissioning, to $7.2 million in year 22, the last year of the contract.
The honorees from OFPM are:
Michael Boisclair, John Bollinger, Bernard Brusko, Stephen Jennison, David Meyer, George Potts, Jessica Caraway, Ruben Rodriguez, Jr., Benjamin Schulz