Student metrologist engaged in lab work activities.
NIST Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) resumed limited in-person laboratory metrology training at the Gaithersburg campus starting on January 31, 2022. We look forward to welcoming additional students in the near future.
NIST hosted a total of 14 students over four seminar classes that were held from late January to March 2022. Thank you to the instructors and students for joining us while in occupancy-limited rooms designed to adhere with COVID-19 safety protocols. The photos illustrate the students in action both in our classroom and in the training laboratory. Safety policies changed during this two-week class timeframe in which mask-wearing became optional. The weather in Gaithersburg, MD cooperated as well and provided seasonable winter without storm days.
The results from the 2020 State Laboratory Program Workload Survey is now available on the OWM website for public review and reference.