The public comment period for draft NISTIR 8355, NICE Framework Competencies: Assessing Learners for Cybersecurity Work, and the draft NICE Framework List of Competencies closes in just a few weeks!
Draft NISTIR 8355 elaborates on Competencies, which were re-introduced to the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) in 2020. The NISTIR provides more detail on what NICE Framework Competencies are, including their evolution, development, and example uses from various stakeholder perspectives. Released in conjunction with NISTIR 8355 is a draft List of Competencies that provides a proposed list of 54 proposed Competencies for the cybersecurity workforce.
Comments are due no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on May 3, 2021. Feedback will be used to inform the next stage of work on the NICE Framework Competencies, including associating Task, Knowledge, and Skill (TKS) statements with the Competencies. We value and welcome your input and look forward to your comments.
NICE and NIST’s Privacy Engineering Program (PEP) have prepared a working draft of the Task, Knowledge, Skill (TKS) Statements Authoring Guide for Workforce Frameworks. This guide was developed for use during the 2021 NICE review of the NICE Framework TKS statements and the PEP development of new TKS statements for its Privacy Framework before being finalized in late 2021. The TKS Authoring Guide is intended to be a “living” document and may undergo future revisions as needed based on stakeholder needs and other relevant factors. NIST welcomes and encourages feedback; it may be sent to: NICEFramework [at] (NICEFramework[at]nist[dot]gov).