Are you finding all required marking information during inspections of EVSE in your jurisdiction? This session will cover the type and format of general and device-specific marking information applicable to electric vehicle fueling systems or electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) based on handbook code requirements.
Some marking information is unique to electrical energy fueling applications, but for some fueling systems, time fees associated with the charging session also become part of the required marking information. Participants can share what they have encountered and if the code, equipment, and device certificates all work in providing adequate marking information.
Please use this link to connect to the OWM Info Hour General and Device Specific Markings. You may also copy and paste this link to your calendar. This event will be recorded.
Date: August 15, 2024
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT
Meeting ID: 246 122 489 101
Passcode: 4PDRkA
There are no registration or costs associated with attending. No training certificates will be issued for this training.
Juana Williams
Email: juana.williams [at]