ROI Initiative Public Meeting Slides (June 14th PPT)
The ROI Request for Information (RFI) and the public meetings seek to gather broad input from Federal R&D, intellectual property, and technology transfer stakeholders in the public and private sectors to identify critically needed improvements to Federal technology transfer efforts. They are designed to advance the Lab-to-Market cross agency priority (CAP) goal in the recently released President’s Management Agenda.
The webcast will be view-only, allowing you to hear the discussion from your colleagues in the technology transfer stakeholder community. While webcast viewers will not be able to submit comments to the live forum, we hope that the information presented will help inform your responses to the RFI written questions:
- What are the core Federal technology transfer principles and practices that should be protected, and those that should be adapted or changed?
- What are the issues that pose systemic challenges to the effective transfer of technology, knowledge, and capabilities resulting from Federal R&D? Please consider those identified in the RFI as well as others that may have inhibited collaborations with Federal laboratories, access to other federally funded R&D, or commercialization of technologies resulting from Federal R&D.
- What is the proposed solution for each issue that poses a systemic challenge to the effective transfer of technology, knowledge, and capabilities resulting from Federal R&D? Please consider the approaches identified in the RFI.
- What are other ways to significantly improve the transfer of technology, knowledge, and capabilities resulting from Federal R&D to benefit U.S. innovation and the economy? What changes would these proposed improvements require to Federal technology transfer practices, policies, regulations, and legislation?
For more information, please visit Return on Investment Public Forums homepage.