The goal of this forum is to provide an opportunity for interaction in the field of renewable energy that can lead to licenses, partnerships, collaborations, etc. Content of this forum will be ideal for those involved in solar energy, wind energy, wave/marine-based energy, geothermal, advanced battery development and other energy storage devices, photovoltaic technology, advanced carbon-negative bio-fuels, energy efficiency technologies such as data center efficiency, green building technologies, etc.
This forum intends to attract small and large businesses involved with renewable energy technology, federal agency & lab representatives, venture capital firms targeting this sector, and representatives of various regional, state, and/or university based renewable energy initiatives who are interested in forging transactions.
The Federal Lab Consortium (FLC), the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT), and the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA).
8:00-9:00AM Registration, Networking & Exhibits
9:00-9:05 Welcome from C.I.T.
9:05-9:30 Keynote - Aneesh Chopra, Virginia's Secretary of Technology
9:30-10:45 Federal Lab Presentations -- Specific technology area(s) available for licensing and other collaboration.
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-11:45 Federal Lab Presentations Continued
11:45-12:00 Industry "Quick pitches" - allow private businesses with relevant technologies an opportunity to provide a 1 minute pitch on their technology and how they are open for collaboration.
12:00-1:00 Lunch, Tech Posters, Exhibit Tables, Networking
1:00-1:15 Collaboration Strategies(presented by FLC) Discussion of strategies, processes, and tips for effective collaboration between federal labs and small businesses. CRADA's,Patent License Agreements, Space Act Agreements, etc.
1:15-1:45 Venture Capital Interest in Energy Technology
1:45-2:30 Renewable Energy Policy
2:30-2:45 Break, Network, Exhibit Tables
2:45-3:00 Energy Technology and Economic Development
The Center for Innovative Technology, Fairfax County Economic Development, and the FLC Mid-Atlantic Region will each present short overviews on how they are supporting technology development and tech transfer efforts.
3:00-3:30 Waste Energy Resources/Power Grids
3:30-4:00 Funding Resource Presentations
4:00 Concluding Remarks
Special Take-home Information: Handout
Current Energy Funding Sources - a look at federal and private funding available to support energy R&D and commercialization efforts.