Invited Talks (Craig Brown)
- Texas Pore Engineering, 2024, October 19-20, 2024, Houston TX (Keynote)
- MOF2024, July, 2024, Singapore (Keynote)
- The Global Center for Carbon Cycle (GC3) Studies, June 29-21 2024, UMD
- CHRNS/NSF Site Visit, May 16, 2024
- ACS National Meeting, Mar 2024, New Orleans, LA
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, Feb 8, 2024, (Virtual)
- Rice Uni. Physics Dept Seminar, Sept. 2023
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, Aug 9, 2023.
- American Crystallographic Association, Jul-08 2023, Baltimore, MD.
- Graduate Chemistry Lecture, April 21, 2023, Iowa State
- MRS Spring Meeting, April 11, 2023, San Francisco CA
- Polish Chemical Society, March 24, 2023, Katowice, Poland
- University of Rochester Chemistry Department Seminar, March. 13, 2023
- APS March Meeting, March 6, 2023, Las Vegas, NV
- Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure and Dynamics, February 17, 2023, Dallas, TX,
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, February 1, 2023
- International Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of Electronic Materials, Dec 12, 2022, Osaka JP (Virtual)
- University of Maryland Physics Department Seminar, Nov. 17, 2022
- Graduate Chemistry Lecture, November 3, 2022, U. Delaware
- Materials Science & Technology, October 10, 2022, Columbus, OH
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, August 5, 2022
- GRC Crystal Engineering, June 19th, 2022. Maine
- UC San Diego Chemistry Department Seminar, May 27, 2022, San Diego, CA
- CHRNS/NSF Site Visit, May 9, 2022
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, Jan 26, 2022
- Graduate Chemistry Lecture, November 9, 2021, U. Delaware (Virtual)
- Materials Science & Technology, October 21, 2021, Columbus, OH (Virtual)
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, July 28, 2021, (Virtual)
- National Academy of Science Review of the NIST Center for Neutron Research, July 20, 2021 (Virtual)
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 15, 2021 Newark, DE (Virtual)
- CHRNS/NSF Site Visit, May, 2021 (Virtual)
- Colgate University, March 15, 2021 (Virtual)
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, January 13, 2021, (Virtual)
- Materials Research Lecture, December 2, 2020, Caltech (Virtual)
- Graduate Chemistry Lecture, November 19, 2020, U. Delaware (Virtual)
- MRS Spring meeting, November 20, 2020 (Virtual)
- NCNR Upgrade Committee, August 12, 2020, (Virtual)
- CHRNS/NSF Site Visit, March 11-12, 2020 (Virtual)
- MRS Fall meeting, December 3, 2019, Boston, MA
- Chemistry Seminar, November 15, 2019, Colorado School of Mines, CO
- U. Delaware Neutron Day, October 30, 2019, Newark, DE
- Chemistry Seminar, October 18, 2019, George Mason University, VA
- Symposium for the Confluence of Materials Science and Neutron Scattering in Missouri, October 8, 2019, Rolla, MO (Keynote)
- Chemistry Seminar, October 5, 2019, SMU, TX
- ACS National Meeting, April 1, 2019, Orlando, FL
- International Symposium on Porous Framework Materials, March 29, 2019, Tampa, FL
- MOF2018, December 13, 2018, Auckland, NZ (Keynote)
- South Eastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, November 2nd, 2018, Atlanta, GA
- Materials Science & Technology 2018, October 15, 2018, Columbus, OH
- American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 19, 2018, New Orleans, LA
- Graduate Chemistry Lecture, November 14, 2017, U. Delaware
- Pitt Diffraction Conference, October 21, 2017, Indiana, PA
- IUCR, August 21, 2017, Hyderabad, India
- EERE Hydrogen Storage F2F, August 19, 2017, McMinnville, OR
- GRC Neutron Scattering, August 6, 2017, Hong Kong, China
- 20th Year Celebration for Jeffrey Long, July 1, 2017, Berkeley CA
- European Spallation Source, April 25, 2017, Lund, Sweden
- Molecular Engineering and Sciences Seminar Series, November 29, 2016, U Washington, Seattle, WA
- Graduate Chemistry Lecture, November 15, 2016, U. Delaware
- CSG EFRC Meeting, November 8, 2016, U.C. Berkeley, CA
- Advanced Light Source User Meeting, October 5, 2016, LBNL, CA
- Dept. Seminar, September 9, 2016, PNNL WA
- DOE Hydrogen TechTeam Review, April 20, 2016, LBNL, CA
- EPFL, Lausanne, March 11, 2016, Lausanne, Ch
- Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne, March 10, 2016, Sion, Ch
- Pacifichem, December 15, 2015, Ohau, HI
- U. Delaware Neutron Day, November 2015, Newark, DE
- Innovations in Measurement Science, NIST Directors, October 2015, Gaithersburg, MD.
- ACS National Meeting, August 2015, Boston, MA.
- Telluride SRC Workshop, June 16, 2015, Telluride, CO.
- Neutron Day, October 2014, U.Maryland.
- MOF-2014, September 2014, Kobe, Japan. Session chair.
- MOF Young Investigator Symposium, September 2014, Kyoto Japan. Session Chair
- University of Adelaide School of Chemistry and Physics Diffraction Tutorial, September 2014, AU
- ACS National Meeting, August 2014, San Francisco, CA
- Metal-Hydrides Symposium, July 20, 2014, Manchester, UK. Session chair.
- APS User Meeting, May 14, 2014, Chicago, Il
- Chemistry Seminar, May 8, 2014, Drexel, P.A.
- ACS National Meeting, August 2013, Indianapolis, IN
- National Academies NCNR Review, July 17, 2013, Gaithersburg, MD
- EERE Annual Merit Review, May 15, 2013, Arlington, Va
- ACS National Meeting, April 7, 2013, New Orleans, La
- American Crystallographic Association, Materials for Sustainable Future, 2013, Hi (unable to attend)
- American Crystallographic Association, Crystal Engineering, 2013, Hi (unable to attend)
- 600 Seminar Series Lecture, December 4, 2012, U. Delaware
- 600 Seminar Series Lecture, November 29, 2012, U. Delaware
- Frontiers in Chemical Spectroscopy, November 15, 2012, Abingdon, Ox, UK.
- Physics Seminar, October 15, 2012, U. Missouri, Columbia
- Chemistry Seminar, September 6, 2012, Clemson University, SC
- ACS National Meeting, August 2012, Philadelphia, PA
- Advanced Seminar on "Perspectives for Neutron Science in Novel & Extreme conditions", May 30, 2012, Zaragoza (Spain)
- Geophysical Laboratory Semina, November 21, 2011, Carnegie Institute, D.C.
- IUPAC International conference on Novel Materials, October 18, 2011, Shanghai, , Keynote and session chair
- University of Adelaide School of Chemistry and Physics seminar, September 19, 2011, AU
- CSIRO Seminar, September 13, 2011, Melbourne, AU
- University of Sydney Chemistry Department School seminar, August 26, 2011, AU
- PACRIM9, July 12, 2011, AU
- Braggspeaks, ANSTO, June 20, 2011, sydney, AU
- U.C. Berkeley Chemistry Dept., April 27, 2011, Berkeley CA
- MRS Spring meeting, April 28, 2011, San Francisco, CA
- NCNR NSF Review, March 1, 2011, Gaithersburg, Md
- Pacifichem, December 14, 2010, Ohau, HI
- KIST Seminar, November 4, 2010, Seoul, South Korea
- KAIST Special Seminar, November 3, 2010, Daejong, South Korea
- Hanaro Symposium, November 1, 2010, Daejong, South Korea
- Spallation Neutron Source Seminar, October 21, 2010, ORNL, TN
- Mount St. Mary's College, Oct-10, Spinkhill, U.K.
- Bishop Justus C of E School, Sep-10, Bromley, UK
- STAIR Graduate student seminar, Sep-10, Knoxville, TN
- American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Jun-10, Ottawa, Canada
- DOE Hydrogen and Vehicle Technology Programs Annual Merit Review, Jun-10, Washington D.C.
- International Energy Agency, HIA-Task 22, Apr-10, Death Valley, CA
- ACS National Meeting, NSF Townhall, Mar-10, San Francisco, CA
- NCNR NSF Review, Mar-10, Gaithersburg, Md
- Seminar, Physics Dept., Sep-09, Washington D.C.
- CAMP Seminar, Physics Dept., Sep-09, State College, PA
- ACS National Meeting, Aug-09, Washington D.C.
- Metal Hydrogen-Metal Systems Gordon Conference, Jul-09, Lucca, Italy
- International Conference on Neutron Scattering, May-09, Knoxville, TN
- ACS National Meeting, Aug-08, Philadelphia, PA
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Summer Seminar Series, Jul-08, NIST
- American Crystallographic Association, May-08, Knoxville, TN. Session co-organizer and session chair.
- ACS National Meeting, Apr-08, New Orleans, LA
- APS March Meeting, Mar-08, New Orleans, LA
- NCNR National Academies Review, Mar-08, Gaithersburg, Md
- International Symposium on Neutron Scattering, Jan-08, Mumbai, India
- ASM Educational Symposium, Apr-07, Oak Ridge, TN
- Carbon 2007, Jul-07, Seattle, WA, Keynote and session chair
- Dynamics in Molecules and Materials Workshop, Jan-07, ESRF, Grenoble, Feance
- SNS Seminar, Nov-06, Oak Ridge, TN
- ISIS Seminar, Nov-06, ISIS, UK
- CONTENT workshop, May-05, Grenoble, France
- Chem-Bio workshop, Sep-03, Tallahassee, FL
- Gordon Conference on spectroscopy, Jul-02, Rhode Island, RI
- Workshop to propose a vibrational spectroscopy instrument for the SNS, Feb-02, Knoxville, TN
- Colloquium at Syracuse University, Nov-00, Syracuse, NY
- NIST Center for Neutron Research, Aug-98, NIST
- Fundamental Research Laboratories, Oct-97, NEC corp., Tsukuba, Japan
- Nanotubes and Fullerenes Workshop, Oct-97, Tateyama, Toyoma, Japan
- The 191st meeting of the Electrochemical Society, May-97, Montreal, Canada Session co-chair
- Neutron User Meeting, Aug-96, ISIS, UK
Contributed talks:
- ICNS, Argentina Aug-22, (online)
- ACA, Aug-22, Portland, OR
- ACNS, Aug-22, boulder, CO
- ACS National Meeting, Apr-08, New Orleans, LA
- Metal Hydrides 2006, Oct-06, Kahulu, HI (metal organic frameworks)
- Metal Hydrides 2006, Oct-06, Kahulu, HI (carbon based hydrogen storage)
- American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Jun-06, St. Charles, Chicago, IL
- ACS National Meeting, Aug-05, Washington D.C.
- ACS National Meeting, Aug-05, Washington D.C.
- ACNS, VISION breakout session, Jun-04, College Park, MD
- ACS National Meeting, Aug-00, Washington D.C.
- ACS National Meeting, Aug-99, New Orleans, LA