The 2019 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE19) is the next in an ongoing series of speaker recognition evaluations conducted by NIST since 1996. The objectives of the evaluation series are (1) for NIST to measure system-calibrated performance of the current state of technology, (2) to provide a common test-bed that enables the research community to explore promising new ideas in speaker recognition, and (3) to support the community in their development of advanced technology incorporating these ideas . The evaluations are intended to be of interest to all researchers working on the general problem of text-independent speaker recognition. To this end, the evaluation is designed to focus on core technology issues and to be simple and accessible to those wishing to participate.
SRE19 will consist of two separate activities: 1) a leaderboard-style challenge (aka the SRE19 CTS Challenge) using conversational telephone speech (CTS) extracted from the unexposed portions of the Call My Net 2 (CMN2) corpus, and 2) a regular evaluation using audio-visual material extracted from the unexposed portions of the Video Annotation for Speech Technology (VAST) corpus. The regular evaluation will include three tracks: audio-only, audio-visual, and visual-only. System submission is required for the audio and audio-visual tracks, and optional for the visual track. Note that in order to participate in the regular evaluation (i.e., Part 2), one must first complete Part 1. The SRE19 will be organized in a similar manner to SRE18, except for this year's evaluation only the open training condition will be offered that allows participants to use any publicly available and/or proprietary data for system training and development.
Participation in SRE19 is open to all who find the evaluation of interest and are able to comply with the evaluation rules set forth in the evaluation plan. While participating teams in the SRE19 CTS Challenge have the option to attend the post-evaluation workshop (to be co-located with IEEE ASRU workshop in Sentosa, Singapore, on December 12-13, 2019), participants of the regular evaluation must be represented at the workshop.
Send email address to speaker_poc [at] (speaker_poc[at]nist[dot]gov) with request to be added to the mailing list to receive automatic updates.
SRE19 CTS Challenge Evaluation Plan
SRE19 Multimedia Evaluation Plan