This HADCV'19 workshop will focus on human activity detection in multi-camera video streams. Activity detection has been an active research area in computer vision in recent years. The ability to detect human activities is an important task in computer vision due to its potential in a wide range of applications such as public safety and security, crime prevention, traffic monitoring and control, eldercare/childcare, human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, smart homes, hospital activity monitoring, and many more. The ActEV (Activities in Extended Video) challenge ( that we are currently running is based on the VIRAT V1/V2 dataset, which includes the unreleased portion of the VIRAT dataset and has been annotated with many new activities. Twenty-seven teams have registered for the ActEV challenge and have downloaded the datasets, and so far, thirteen teams have submitted results.
In this full day workshop, we will bring all the stakeholders (object detection, tracking, activity detection, pose estimation, machine learning, etc.) together to help advance the state-of-the-art in human activity detection technology in multi-camera video streaming environments. For this workshop, we will present the research finding from the Activities in Extended Video (ActEV) evaluation. We will have invited talks from experts in the field. We will have four talks from the best performers at the ActEV evaluation, and the rest of the performers will be invited to present their work as a poster. In addition, we are inviting the research community to submit unpublished research papers on the following topics, but not limited to:
A. Godil, J. Fiscus, T. Adams, A. Hoogs, R. Meth
The following are the invited speakers
Cees Snoek, University of Amsterdam
Mubarak Shah, UCF
One more invited speaker pending
Rita Cucchiara, Univ. of Modena & Reggio Emilia (pending)
Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia (pending)
Gregory Hager, JHU
Ajay Divakaran, SRI
Castanon Gregory, STR (pending)
Rama Chellappa, UMD
Rogerio Feris, IBM
Alexander Hauptmann, CMU (pending)
Cordelia Schmid, Inria (pending)
Larry Davis, UMD (pending)
Michael Ryoo, Indiana University
Kate Saenko, Boston U (pending)
Mubarak Shah, UCF
Fatih Porikli, Australian National University
Deva Ramanan, Carnegie Mellon University (pending)
Ivan Laptev, INRIA-Paris (pending)
Cees Snoek, University of Amsterdam
Shiguang Shan, Chinese Academy of Sciences (pending)
Xiaogang Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong (pending)
Juan Carlos Niebles, Stanford (pending)
Takeo Kanade, CMU (pending)
Yooyoung Lee, NIST
Roddy Collins, Kitware
George Awad, NIST
Asad Butt, NIST
Poster Abstract Submission Due (2 pages limit): 1 November 2018
Paper Submission Due: 15 October 2018
Notification to Authors: 10 November 2018
Camera Ready Papers Due: 1 December 2018
Workshop Date: 11 January 2019
Afzal Godil, NIST
Jonathan G. Fiscus, NIST
Terry Adams, IARPA
Anthony Hoogs, Kitware
Reuven Meth, Engility
HADCV workshop <hadcv [at] (hadcv[at]nist[dot]gov)>
Submission are handled via HADCV19 CMT page (coming soon). See Submissions page for more details. The manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and should follow the requirements of the IEEE WACV paper format. The submitted papers should present original work. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of IEEE WACV 2019 & Workshops and will be sent for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore digital library.