The ActEV evaluation seeks to evaluate robust automatic activity detection algorithms for a multi-camera streaming video environment. ActEV is an extension of the annual TRECVID Surveillance Event Detection (SED) evaluation by adding a large collection of multi-camera video data, both of simple and complex activities. ActEV will address activity detection for both forensic applications and for real-time alerting. The ActEV evaluation be run both as a blind and then as a leaderboard evaluation.
By activity detection, we mean to detect visual events (people engaged in particular activities) in a large collection of streaming video data. NIST invites all organizations, particularly universities and corporations, to submit their results using their technologies to the ActEV evaluation server. The evaluation is open worldwide. Participation is free. NIST does not provide funds to participants.
TRECVID'18 Activities in Extended Video (ActEV) evaluation
TRECVID ActEV 2018 Leaderboard Evaluation (