Description | Audience | Version / Date |
TRECVid 2013 MER evaluation plan | MER participants | v10 / July 31, 2013 |
MER DTD | MER participants | v11 / April 24, 2013 |
MER XSD | MER participants | v1 / August 27, 2013 |
(MER Dry Run: is part of the MED dry run) | MER participants | (no separate data) |
MER example submission | MER participants | v1 / July 11, 2013 |
MER Workstation software (MD5) | MER participants | v3.0 / August 27, 2013 |
Date | Milestone |
April 1 | Final design published in the TRECVID Guidelines on the web. Final MER DTD available |
May 1 | Initial draft version of Triage Workstation available |
June 5 | 2013 Progress Set disk drives available (for new participants) |
July 1 | MED/MER Dry Run begins |
July 31 | MED/MER dry run ends (MER dry run submissions due at NIST) |
September 10 | MED/MER participants submit Pre-specified Event runs (including recountings) |
September 27 | NIST releases pre-adjudicated MER results on the Pre-specified Events |
October 2 | NIST releases post-adjudicated MER results on the Pre-specified Events |
October 4 | TRECVID Speaker Proposals due at NIST by noon (Gaithersburg time) |
November 20-22 | TRECVid Workshop at NIST (Gaithersburg, MD) |