Amann, Bernhard; Vallentin, Matthias; Sommer, Robin - The ICSI Notary: Lessons and Insights from a Large-Scale Study of the SSL/TLS Ecosystem
Andrews, Rick - CAs Alone Do Not Provide Trust
Bender, Jens; Schönherr, Kerstin - Enhancing Trust by Enhancing the Audit Process
Bonneau, Joseph - Transport Security Policies: A broad framework for new proposals in server trust on the web
Chandler, Jeff, Wilson, Ben - A Window of Opportunity: How Certificate Transparency Increases Online Trust Accountability and Security: A Browser-CA Perspective
Chokhani, Santosh - Thoughts on PKI Security
Clark, Jermey - Evaluating Certificate Trust Model Enhancements for HTTPS
Corella, Francisco; Lewison, Karen P. - Defenses against Spoofed SSL/TLS Server Certificates
Fiedler, Arno; Pope, Nick; Sutter, Christoph; Barreira, Inigo; Lacroix, Sylvie - European Approach to oversight of "Trust Service Providers"
Grant, Alexandra; Palmer, Charles - The Search for Trust
Hallam-Baker, Phillip - The Omnibroker
Housley, Russ; Turner, Sean - The Promise of DANE
Hurst, Ryan - Using least privileged design principals to improve trust in the online marketplace
Hurst, Ryan - Revocation Reality and the Path to Becoming Effective
Kasper, Emilia; Langley, Adam; Laurie, Ben - Certificate Transparency – protocol design and implementation
Moore, Gary; Turner, Paul - Managing Trust within an Organization Covering Asymmetric, Symmetric and SSH Key Environments
Osterweil, Eric; McPherson, Danny; Zhang, Lixia - Quantifying Systemic Dependencies through Attack Surface Analysis
Osterweil, Eric; Massey, Dan; McPherson, Danny; Zhang, Lixia - Verifying Keys through Publicity and Communities of Trust: Quantifying Off-Axis Corroboration
Perrin, Trevor - TACK
Rea, Scott; Pala, Massimiliano - Usable Trust Anchor Management
Rodriguez, Lorenzo Martinez - Research for the Improvement on Current CA Model
Stamm, Sid; Wilson, Kathleen - Mozilla's approach to revocation and strengthening a CA root program
Tschofenig, Hannes; Gondrom, Tobias - Standardizing the Next Generation Public Key Infrastructure
Wilson, Ben - Knowledge and Insight from Members of the CA / Browser Forum