NIST Unscripted Series: Video Credits
Ray Simmonds
What is a qubit?
- Binary code rushing forward: Revostock
- Qubits in line shifting between 1 and 0 states: Karl "Chip" Nyman, Nyman Digital Arts
- Two qubits, one each in 1 and 0 states: NIST
- Electron flow inside microchip: Revostock
What is a quantum bus?
- NIST Boulder Laboratories: NIST
What inspired you to become a scientist?
- Young boy playing with helicopter: Revostock
- Toddlers on floor playing with windup ladybug toy: Revostock
Kent Irwin
What is a transition edge sensor?
- Photo of transition edge sensor: NIST
- Graphic showing composition of sensor: NIST
What are some of the more earthly applications of transition edge sensors?
- Animation showing how transition edge sensor works: NIST
- Exploding star: NASA
- Big Bang gases in space: NASA
- Galaxies in space: NASA
- Researcher looking at sensor under microscope: NIST
- Fuel rods being removed from a nuclear reactor: Pacific Gas and Electric Company
- Image of cosmic microwave background radiation by COBE satellite: NASA
Marla Dowell
Describe the next generation of optical detectors being built by NIST
- Black disc made from carbon nanotubes: NIST
- White nanotube array: NIST
- Blue hexagonal shapes in motion: Revostock
- Carbon nanotube rolling up: Revostock
John Butler
How did NIST help identify the victims of the World Trade Center disaster?
- DNA double helix with chemical formulas in background: Revostock
How did Butler get interested in forensic DNA analysis?
- Teenaged John Butler superimposed over news clips: John Butler
Why is it important that DNA testing be done well?
- Moving green DNA profile bands: Revostock
Bill Phillips
Atomic clocks segment (starting at 4 minutes 32 seconds)
- Clocks with spinning hands: Revostock
- Satellite in space: Revostock
- Wall of computer screens with satellite data: Revostock
- Car drive with watch: Revostock
Elena Messina
When is it good for robots to take over?
- Robots in collapsed buildingat Disaster City: Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service
- Robot point-of-view inside Fukishima Nuclear Reactor, Japan: Tokyo Electric PowerCompany
Tim Foecke
What is a mechanical metallurgist?
- Rolling small-hole metal sheet: Revostock
- Researcher bending metal: NIST
How does metallurgy protect the past and build the future?
- Rotating "Swiss cheese" metal sheet: Revostock
- Brooklyn Bridge: Public domain via Wikipedia
- USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: U.S. Navy
- Statue of Liberty head with clouds in background: Revostock
- NIST Center for Automotive Lightweighting: NIST
David Wineland
What makes a quantum computer so powerful?
- Quantum spin states: Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University of Calgary
- Qubits in line shifting between 1 and 0 states: Karl "Chip" Nyman, Nyman Digital Arts
- Zoom across microchip surface: Revostock
- Galaxy in space: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
How can you use a quantum computer?
- Circuit board in action: Revostock
- Data streaming on screen: Revostock
- Moving lines of computer code: Revostock
- Data encryption tunnel: Revostock
- Supercollisions, Higgs boson and Standard Model: CERN
- Peter Shor: Peter Shor, MIT
- Supercomputer: NOAA and NASA Center for Climate Simulation
Why is NIST involved in quantum computer research?
- Dave Wineland Laboratory Productions: Breck Larson, Breck Larson Productions
Sheng Lin-Gibson
- Overview of modern dental office: Shutterstock
- Teeth with bacterial film on them: Medical animation used with permission by Flix Productions
- X-ray image of head showing chewing of pizza: Medical animation used with permission by Flix Productions
- Tooth remineralization: Medical animation used with permission by Flix Productions
- X-ray of mouth showing teeth: Public domain via Wikipedia
- Archival photo of U.S. War Department in 1918: Public domain via Wikipedia
- Archival photo of WWI soldiers cheering: Public domain via Wikipedia
- Archival photo of WWI field dentists at work: Public domain via Wikipedia
- Archival photo of WWI soldier climbing out of trench: Public domain via Wikipedia
- Archival photo of WWI soldiers in trench: Public domain via Wikipedia
- Archival photo of NBS Laboratories in 1918: NIST
- Archival photo of Army dentists operating in 1918: Library of Virginia
- Composite materials in dental model: NIST
- Entrance sign at NIST (Gaithersburg, MD): NIST
- NIST researcher examining tooth under microscope: NIST
- High-speed dental drill being used: Shutterstock
- Panoramic dental X-ray device being used: Shutterstock
- Researcher working on dental prosthetic: NIST