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Taking Measure

Just a Standard Blog

My Visual Crutch for Communicating Science

By: Rob Dimeo
cartoon illustration that explains how communicating science is a key part of NIST Center for Neutron Research Director Rob Dimeo's job
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration featuring neutrons and question marks detailing the struggle to explain science to visitors that is outside Dimeo's area of expertise
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration detailing Dimeo's discovery of sketchnoting
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration about the process of learning to become a sketchnoter
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration explaining difference between sketchnotes and infographics. Infographics are for general audience; sketchnotes are for individual
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration detailing difference between sketchnoting and sketchnotes
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration about quantum spin liquids
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration about quantum spin liquids
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration about jet fuel additive that reduces misting and makes fuel less dangerous in the case of an accident
Credit: R. Dimeo


Cartoon illustration about jet fuel additive continued
Credit: R. Dimeo


cartoon illustration of how neutrons can be used to determine how atomic structure influences color
Credit: R. Dimeo


colored materials
Credit: dimeo


cartoon illustration about sharing the skill of sketchnoting
Credit: R. Dimeo

About the author

Rob Dimeo

Rob Dimeo is the director of the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR). He finds himself most at home at NIST when doing one of three things: talking with NCNR neutron users about their science, trying not to get caught doodling at management meetings, and doing his best not to get injured playing in the annual NIST employees softball tournament. When not at work Rob enjoys getting shot by his son on the paintball field, cruising in a pontoon boat on Deep Creek Lake with his wife and kids, and trying to convince his daughter that he CAN actually help her with her chemistry and physics homework.

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These look like a path away from the "glazed over" look during presentations!

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