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INFOGRAPHIC: Making it in America

We've just released the newest workforce infographic "Making it in America." An information packed poster of the opportunities and pathways of the many faces of manufacturing careers.

Making it in America

About the author

Mary Ann Pacelli

Mary Ann Pacelli, M.Ed., is the Division Chief for Network Learning and Strategic Competitions with the NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP).  In this role, Mary Ann oversees the special competitions award process and the development and implementation of a plan for Learning and Knowledge Sharing across the National Network.  Recently Mary Ann was the Program Manager, Workforce Development, at MEP for over 4 years.  Her work included advocating for Manufacturing Workforce priorities with related federal agencies and providing technical support to the network of MEP centers across the country for workforce related activities.  In addition, she manages special MEP projects, and coordinates the Workforce Directors of the Manufacturing USA Institute Network, on behalf of the NIST Advanced Manufacturing Program Office. 

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Nice infographic. Would also be interesting to see how the workforce is divided between all manufacturing industries. How many of those 12,4 million people are employed in food and beverage industries, how many are in plastics, etc.
It's amazing to see that 57% engineers and scientists are employed by manufacturing sector and not by the software, construction and healthcare industries. Nice info-graphic.

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