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Goals of NSTIC past, present, and future: NCSA guest blog interview

Our friends at the National Cyber Security Alliance recently caught up with Mike Garcia, acting director of the NSTIC NPO, to jumpstart their new executive Q&A blog series! This interview will give you a glimpse into what the NSTIC NPO has accomplished in the last four years and what we’ve got planned in terms of catalyzing the marketplace in the future. Mike also talks about what the NPO is most proud of and how we’re changing things up a bit. Spoiler alert: we’re honing in on impacts and outcomes while driving commercial adoption, federal adoption, and advancement in science, technology, and measurement science. Plus, we’ve launched a bunch of new developments, like NIST joining the FIDO Alliance, advancing our pilots program, and releasing the draft NIST IR 8062: Privacy Risk Management for Federal Information Systems, just to name a few. Check out the new NCSA blog post and follow us on Twitter for more updates in the future. Plus: we’ll be participants in the NCSA Twitter chat about strong online authentication tomorrow - Thursday, July 16th at 3 p.m. ET. Follow the conversation using #ChatSTC.


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