The top-level view of the FDI activity model. Click here to DOWNLOAD.
Factory Design and Improvement (FDI) Activity Model is a reference activity model. It is a model of the activities and systems involved in setting up new factories and improving or modifying existing factories. It helps manufactures throughout the entire lifecycle from planning to operation. By using the model, planning for new product introductions is better orchestrated. Data to be collected to help in the decision making throughout the activities is clearly defined and analyzed. The model also highlights the inter-relationships of implemented technologies in the context of a standard enterprise control hierarchy, ANSI/88 Batch Control. Note, that other aspects of a manufacturing enterprise including product development and design and operational control are beyond the scope of this model. Activities related to physical construction of the factory are not covered.
From the perspective of practitioners, this reference model can guide a factory design or improvement project. From the perspective of researchers, this reference activity model can guide the development of information models and/or standards to integrate manufacturing system software.
More information about the development, usages, explanation, relevant standards and software tools of the model can be found in the appended papers.