Rohaly, A.
, Corriveau, P.
, Libert, J.
, Webster, A.
, Baroncini, V.
, Beerends, J.
, Blin, J.
, Contin, L.
, Hamada, T.
, Harrison, D.
, Hekstra, A.
, Lubin, J.
, Nishida, Y.
, Ishihara, R.
, Pearson, J.
, Pessoa, A.
, Pickford, N.
, Schertz, A.
, Visca, M.
, Watson, A.
and Winkler, S.
Video Quality Experts Group: Current Results and Future Directions, Proc. Intl. Soc. for Optical Engineering (SPIE) 2000 Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing, Perth, 1, AS, [online],
(Accessed November 9, 2024)