Zachary H. Levine, A R. Kalukin, M Kuhn, S P. Frigo, I McNulty, C C. Retsch, Y Wang, Uwe Arp, Thomas B. Lucatorto, Bruce D. Ravel, Charles S. Tarrio
00 Word summary based on the paper:Z. H. Levine, A. R. Kalukin, M. Kuhn, S. P. Frigo, I. McNulty,>C. C. Retsch, Y. Wang, U. Arp, T. B. Lucatorto, B. D. Ravel, and C. Tarrio,>``Microtomography of Integrated Circuit Interconnect with an> Electromigration Void'', J. Appl. Phys. 87, 4483 (2000).>>> My summary is drawn from this paper, as well as:>>A. R. Kalukin, Z. H. Levine, C. Tarrio, S. P. Frigo, I. McNulty,>Y. Wang, C. C. Retsch, M. Kuhn, and B. Winn,>``Methods to remove distortion artifacts in scanned projections'',>U. Bonse, Editor, Proc. SPIE 3772, 237 (1999).>>Z. H. Levine, A. R. Kalukin, S. P. Frigo, I. McNulty, and M. Kuhn,>``Tomographic Reconstruction of an Integrated Circuit Interconnect'',>Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 150 (1999).>>Z. H. Levine, S. Grantham, S. Neogi, S. P. Frigo,>I. McNulty, C. C. Retsch, Y. Wang, and T. B. Lucatorto,>``Accurate pattern registration for integrated circuit tomography'',>J. Appl. Phys., in press.