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Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Volume for Water, Methanol and Their Mixtures at Temperatures From 300 K to 400 K and Pressures to 20 Mpa



T Kuroki, N Kagawa, H. Endo, S Tsuruno, Joe W. Magee


Specific heat capacities at constant volume (cv) of water, methanol and their mixtures were measured with a new adiabatic calorimeter experiment. The calorimeter is a twin-cell type whose sample and reference cells (33 cm3) and their shields are heated by electric power. The cells are surrounded by a high vacuum. During the experiment, the heating power was carefully controlled so that the cell temperature increased uniformly. The reference cell was always evacuated and was heated with a constant current. the temperature of the sample cell tracked that of the reference cell temperature by means an automatic control system. Automated sample pressure measurements were made with a crystal quartz transducer. The expanded relative uncertainty for cv is estimated to be 1% for liquid phasw measurements, and for density it is about 0.2%.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data


heat capacity, methanol


Kuroki, T. , Kagawa, N. , Endo, H. , Tsuruno, S. and Magee, J. (2001), Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Volume for Water, Methanol and Their Mixtures at Temperatures From 300 K to 400 K and Pressures to 20 Mpa, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data (Accessed January 20, 2025)


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Created August 31, 2001, Updated October 12, 2021