[Superseded by SP 800-56A Rev. 2 (May 2013):
http://www.nist.gov/manuscript-publication-search.cfm?pub_id=913431] This Recommendation provides the specifications of key establishment schemes that are appropriate for use by the U.S. Federal Government, based on standards developed by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X9, Inc.: American National Standard (ANS) X9.42 Agreement of Symmetric Keys using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography and ANS X9.63 Key Agreement and Key Transport using Elliptic Curve Cryptography. A key establishment scheme can be characterized as either a key agreement scheme or a key transport scheme. The asymmetric-key-based key agreement schemes in this Recommendation are based on the Diffie-Hellman (DH) and Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (MQV) algorithms. In addition, an asymmetric-key-based key transport scheme is specified. [Supersedes SP 800-56A (May 2006):