NIST is committed to the idea that results of federally funded research are a valuable national resource and a strategic asset. To the extent feasible and consistent with law, agency mission, resource constraints, and U.S. national, homeland, and economic security, NIST will promote the deposit of scientific data arising from unclassified research and programs, funded wholly or in part by NIST, except for Standard Reference Data, free of charge in publicly accessible databases. Subject to the same conditions and constraints listed above, NIST also intends to make freely available to the public, in publicly accessible repositories, all peer-reviewed scholarly publications arising from unclassified research and programs funded wholly or in part by NIST. This Special Publication represents the work of Communications Technology Laboratory, Information Technology Laboratory, and Material Measurement Laboratory researchers at professional conferences, as reported in Fiscal Year 2017. More information on public access to NIST research is available at