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Getting the units right



Howard S. Cohl, Moritz A. Schubotz, David Veenhuis


To understand applied physics, and physical formulae in particular, the investigation of identifier units is beneficial. However, normally the units are not given explicitly in formulae and have to be inferred. In this paper, we investigate how this process can be automated. As an example application, we use physical formulae from Wikipedia together with information from the related knowledge-base Wikidata. We envision that this method can be generalized and describe how, in the future, hard logical constraints may be used as a feedback mechanism for statistical methods in
Proceedings Title
Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2016
Conference Dates
July 25-29, 2016
Conference Location
Conference Title
Conference On Intelligent Computer Mathematics


Wikidata, Wikipedia, Units, Natural Language Processing, Inference, Mathematical Language Processing, Constraint propagation


Cohl, H. , Schubotz, M. and Veenhuis, D. (2016), Getting the units right, Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2016, Bialystok, -1, [online], (Accessed September 14, 2024)


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Created July 24, 2016, Updated October 7, 2020