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Generation of Transient Rabi Sidebands in Pulse Propagation: A Possible Source for Cone Emission



J Guo, J W. Cooper, Alan Gallagher


We study the one-dimensional propagation of a laser pulse through an atomic vapor of finite length L. Both the temporal and the time-dependent spectral profiles of the existing laser pulse are calculated. It is shown that, when the pulse duration is comparable to or shorter than the effective relaxation time of the atomic density matrix, the spectrum of the final pulse exhibits frequency sidebands located in the vicinity of the time-varying generalized Rabi frequency, which can contatin up to a few percent of the total laser power. The possible connection between this result and cone emission in the pulsed regime is addressed.
Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics)
No. 5


cone emission, nonlinear optics, pulse propagation


Guo, J. , Cooper, J. and Gallagher, A. (1995), Generation of Transient Rabi Sidebands in Pulse Propagation: A Possible Source for Cone Emission, Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) (Accessed January 26, 2025)


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Created July 1, 1995, Updated February 17, 2017