These views provide the data needed to create the objects defined in the the OMG PDM Enablers specification (PDME),
ftp://ftp.omg.org/pub/docs/mfg/98-02-02.pdf, including the changes cited in the revision task force report,
ftp://ftp.omg.org/pub/docs/dtc/99-02-02, from the PDM Schema produced by PDES Inc and ProSTEP, Version 1.1 12/09/1998,
http://www.pdm-if.org. ** Author: KC Morris,
kc [at] nist.gov (kc[at]nist[dot]gov) ** last revised: June 30, 1999 Development of this software was funded by the United States Government, and is not subject to copyright. With the exceptions noted in the document, this mapping covers the PDME modules PdmResponsibility, PdmProductStructureDefintion, and PdmDocumentManagement. Portions of the PdmFoundation module are also covered as needed by the other modules. The described interfaces from those modules are not mapped explicitly although they are supported by PDMS data.