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Dedicated NOAA/JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise



Bettye C. Johnson, Michael Ondrusek, Eric Stengel, Veronica P. Lance, Menghua Wang, Kenneth Voss, Giuseppe Zibordi, Marko Talone, Zhongping Lee, Jianwei Wei, Junfang Lin, Chuanmin Hu, David English, Charles Kovach, Jennifer Cannizzaro, Alex Gilerson, Sam Ahmed, Ahmed El-Habashi, Robert Foster, Robert Arnone, Ryan Vandermeulen, Sherwin Ladner, Wesley Goode, Joaquim I. Goes, Helga de Rosario Gomes, Alex Chekalyuk, Kali McKee, Scott Freeman, Aimee Neeley, Amir Ibrahim


The NOAA/STAR Ocean Color team is focused on “end-to-end” production of ocean color satellite products. In situ validation of satellite data is essential to producing the high-quality products required and expected by the international ocean color remote-sensing community. In November 2014, a 10-day cruise was conducted aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster in the western Atlantic along the US mid-east coast with the primary aim of in situ calibration and validation of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite. This was the first NOAA dedicated VIIRS ocean color validation cruise supported through the NOAA Office of Marine and Air Operations. Collaborating groups included: Naval Research Laboratory; University of Southern Mississippi; City College of New York; University of Massachusetts at Boston; University of South Florida; University of Miami; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University; the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. We present the scope of the observations of inherent and apparent optical properties made in support of the three primary objectives: 1) VIIRS ocean color validation; 2) uncertainty characterization of in situ ocean color measurements and 3) optical characterization of ocean variability. Cruise data will be reposited at NOAA CoastWatch/OceanWatch for convenient public access and will be archived as required by NOAA. A second dedicated VIIRS ocean color cruise is planned for late 2015 and additional NOAA ocean color cruises are anticipated for different regions in the future.


Ocean Color, Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Validation, Calibration, in situ measurements


Johnson, B. , Ondrusek, M. , Stengel, E. , Lance, V. , Wang, M. , Voss, K. , Zibordi, G. , Talone, M. , Lee, Z. , Wei, J. , Lin, J. , Hu, C. , English, D. , Kovach, C. , Cannizzaro, J. , Gilerson, A. , Ahmed, S. , El-Habashi, A. , Foster, R. , Arnone, R. , Vandermeulen, R. , Ladner, S. , Goode, W. , Goes, J. , de, H. , Chekalyuk, A. , McKee, K. , Freeman, S. , Neeley, A. and Ibrahim, A. (2015), Dedicated NOAA/JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise,, [online], (Accessed September 19, 2024)


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Created June 12, 2015, Updated February 19, 2017