Community resilience depends on the performance of the built environment and on supporting social, economic and public institutions which, individually and collectively, are essential for the functioning and recovery of a community following a disaster. A communitys social needs and objectives (including post-event recovery) are not reflected in current codes, standards and other regulatory documents applied to the design of individual facilities and infrastructure systems. Community resilience assessment focuses on the complex inter-dependencies among the physical, social and economic systems on which a healthy and vibrant community depends and can provide a mechanism to better understand resilience needs relative to natural hazards. Modeling the resilience of communities as an integrated system-of-systems requires numerous disciplines, including engineering, social sciences, and information sciences. The Center of Excellence (CoE) for Community Risk-Based Resilience Planning was established to develop a computational research environment that will advance community resilience modeling. The CoE is nearing completion of the third year of a five-year program. This paper provides a brief summary of its activities to date. For more information on featured tasks, publications, annual webinars, and a list of Center researchers, students, and staff see: