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Building Orientation and Wind Effects Estimation



P Hanzlik, S M. Diniz, A Grazini, Mircea Grigoriu, Emil Simiu


The methodology for estimating wind effects presented in this paper is based on the database-assisted design approach. It accounts for the effects of wind directionality, for the effects of the uncertainties in the parameters that determine wind effects, and for the effects of building orientation. The methodology yields estimates of wind effects that are far more realistic than those based on the conventional building code approach for calculating wind effects, which disregards uncertainties in those parameters, as well as the effects of wind directionality and building orientation, or accounts for these effects through the use of a blanket reduction factor. The pilot software on which the calculations presented in this paper are based is a first step toward modern, computer-intensive electronic standards wherein wind loads can be calculated by using database-assisted, reliability-based calculations of wind effects. We believe such standards will go a long way toward achieving significantly safer and more economical buildings in regions affected by strong winds.
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
No. 3


building codes, building technology, database-assisted design, dynamic response, low-rise buildings, structural reliability, wind loads


Hanzlik, P. , Diniz, S. , Grazini, A. , Grigoriu, M. and Simiu, E. (2005), Building Orientation and Wind Effects Estimation, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE (Accessed December 15, 2024)


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Created February 28, 2005, Updated October 12, 2021