NIST has pioneered and still leads the development of certified referencematerials for quality assurance of measurements through the StandardReference Materials Program. NIST provides more than 1,200 differentStandard Reference Materials (SRMs) that are certified for their specificchemical or physical properties. SRMs are used for three main purposes: tohelp develop accurate methods of analysis (reference methods); to calibratemeasurement systems; and to assure the long-term adequacy and integrity ofmeasurement quality assurance programs. NIST SRMs also legally constitutepart of the National Measurement System infrastructure of the United Statesand, as such, are essential transfer mechanisms for national (andinternational) measurement traceability. The SRM Program also provides aseries of publications, SP260 series, that are available to assistusers in the application of SRMs. A complete listing of the SP260 series,as well as the Standard Reference Materials Catalog, Price List, Brochures,Newsletters, Needs Assessment Forms, and Feedback Cards are available onthe World Wide Web at
http://www.nist.gov/srm. Some of thesepublications give practical guidance for using the SRMs while others giveadditional information about the certification process of particular SRMs.Of special note is SP260-100 Standard Reference Materials Handbook:Handbook for SRM Users, by J. K. Taylor, which was written to discussgeneral concepts of precision and accuracy as applied to SRMs and theirimpact on quality assurance and the measurement process.