SED has had a long and extensive collaboration with the Materials Measurement Laboratory in working toward the certification of standard reference materials. Each material undergoes a thorough statistical analysis with resulting analyte levels and uncertainties.
NIST's program of food and reference materials with reliable content values for various nutrients helps the food industry comply with FDA rules and helps consumers in making dietary choices. The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 requires that labels on processed foods distributed in the United States specify the amount of total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, sodium, calcium, and iron contained in a single serving. In addition the manufacturer may also provide information about any other vitamin, mineral, or nutrient. To facilitate compliance with this law, well-characterized reference materials are needed by laboratories in the food testing and nutrition communities. NIST has provided and continues to provide reference materials with certified and reference values for vitamins and other nutrients. SED performs a statistical analysis on each material, including the estimated nutrient levels and their expanded uncertainties.
There are frequently subsequent papers published in the scientific literature about the relevant SRMs with co-authorship by an SED staff member.
There have been dozens of food and supplement SRMs certified by NIST in recent years. Some recent ones include:
SRM 2972a 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Calibration Solutions
SRM 1546a Meat Homogenate
SRM 3237 Soy Protein Concentrate
SRM 1845a Whole Egg Powder