LMR is ever-present and determining the integration of LTE technology is vital for interoperable public safety operations. The PSCR program, on behalf of DHS OIC, is conducting research on LMR-to-LTE solutions to evaluate how a broadband network can enhance first-responder communications.
The Wireless Broadband Technology Demonstrator is part of an effort of DHS OIC to evaluate how wireless broadband technology can be integrated with existing LMR and other first responder and law enforcement communications.
PSCR provides independent verification, testing, and support on behalf of DHS and the JWPMO. The DHS project focuses on demonstrating capabilities when merging from LMR to LTE. PSCR is testing and evaluating LMR to LTE integration solutions including certain LTE capabilities, such as: data, video, geolocation, and many other types of applications.
DHS established the following technical topic areas to evaluate the interfacing and integration of LMR subscriber units with commercial and public safety4G LTE networks:
DHS OIC selected and funded three vendors to research and develop a solution. DHS