Mr. Desiderio currently serves as a Physical Scientist in the NIST Special Programs Office where he oversees efforts in support of forensic science standards implementation and the scientific and technical review process of OSAC generated standards.
Immediately prior to Joining NIST, he served as a Postal Operations and Safety Expert for the Universal Postal Union (a United Nations organization) in Bern, Switzerland and the Hazardous Materials Program Manager for the United States Postal Inspection Service in Washington, DC.
Prior to serving in these roles, he spent approximately eighteen years as a forensic scientist spread across service with the New York City Police Department, Forensic Analytical Specialties Incorporated (a private forensic consulting firm in Rancho Dominguez, California), the New Jersey State Police, and the United States Postal Inspection Service. His training and casework experience covers various forensic disciplines including explosives analysis, firearms and tool mark examinations, biological fluid identification, fire debris, and trace evidence analysis.
He holds a BS in Human Biology from SUNY Albany and a MS in Forensic Science from CUNY John Jay. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and his contributions to the forensic field include service as a Past-President the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners, the Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists, and the New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists, a past Chair of the OSAC Fire Debris and Explosives Subcommittee, a past member of the Scientific Working Group for Materials Analysis and Technical Working Group for Fire and Explosions, and a past Technical Advisor on the White House Subcommittee on Forensic Science Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation Interagency Working Group.