Dr. Holly Sofka is a Physical Scientist in the NIST Program Coordination Office (PCO). Her role within the PCO will focus on strategic planning, performance evaluation, and analysis, interacting with leadership and staff across all of NIST. She will also serve as a liaison between NIST and the Department of Commerce. In this role, she will ensure Evidence Act implementation and report key metrics, milestones, and performance indicators of NIST programs to the Department of Commerce. Additionally, she will be a member of the Climate Working Group, coordinating collaboration across NIST’s climate-related activities.
Before joining NIST and bridging the gap between her technical background and interest in policy, Holly completed the Education Pioneers Impact Fellowship which placed her at the Office of the State Superintendent of Education in Washington, DC, where her projects focused on educational health policy implementation, compliance, analysis, and reporting.
Academically, Holly received her B.S. in Biochemistry from Elizabethtown College and her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Arizona. At the University of Arizona, her dissertation research focused on the development and synthesis of novel protein bioconjugation tools and their use in unique systems and environments.